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  1. calistoy


    Please fill this form out entirely and reply with it back here: cPanel username: ( ) Inserting an X inside the parentheses signifies that I have made all necessary backups of my free hosting account and will not hold x10Hosting responsible for any data I am unable to recover after my free...
  2. calistoy

    "Website specified does not exist" & Cannot log in to Control Panel

    The username will not work because it only accepts email and password now. That email is not the one registered with the account. Try another gmail email that you might have.
  3. calistoy

    "Website specified does not exist" & Cannot log in to Control Panel

    What email are you using to login to your account panel?
  4. calistoy

    I can not enter to cpanel

    That's exactly what we are telling you how to find. Could you please clarify what the errors you are encountering? Under the hosting details of your account panel, there should be a "Login to cPanel" link.
  5. calistoy

    I can not enter to cpanel

    Your cPanel username is listed in your account panel.
  6. calistoy

    I can not enter to cpanel

    It's impossible for you to get into cPanel, because you do not have a hosting account attached to your account panel and forum account. What cpanel username did you have?
  7. calistoy


    The TOS that you agreed to when you set up your account was quite clear about logging into the forums here to keep your account active. I advise that you go reread the TOS ASAP so that you can review the rules and info pertaining to your free hosting account. The activity script checks your...
  8. calistoy

    Cpanel isnt working properly

    That's because you cannot reach your cpanel by treating it as a subdomain of your site. That's not how the free hosting servers and accounts are set up. Please try following the link to cPanel in your account panel, or
  9. calistoy


    You agreed to the TOS, so x10hosting can enforce the terms. Your account is permanently suspended.
  10. calistoy

    Hosting Account suspended

    File hosting is a zero tolerance violation of TOS. Your account is permanently suspended.
  11. calistoy

    Account Suspension

    Your account is not currently suspended. It looks like you figured it out.
  12. calistoy

    OXWALL Install Problem - Error 404

    Please take a look at this thread and let us know if it helps or not.
  13. calistoy

    Account Deletion Request - Please delete my free hosting account.

    That is 12 characters long, and it's too long. Unless you can verify the correct cPanel username, your request will not be carried out. I've already told you where to find it.
  14. calistoy

    Delete My Account

    Your account will automatically delete itself after 14 days from the suspension date have past. We don't expedite deletions for permanently suspended accounts.
  15. calistoy

    Question Regarding Wordpress and 4images hosting

    The TOS states a limit on image galleries: The image hosting scripts absolutely must be locked away from public uploading. Also, the videos that you link to download must be owned by you and don't violate any copyright laws. From the TOS: From your site: I doubt that you'll own any...
  16. calistoy

    Create an acount at

    Periodically over the next year. There is no specifically planned update on when.
  17. calistoy

    Need Help!!

    Could you clarify why they aren't working for you?
  18. calistoy

    Another Domain Problem

    Did you add the domain to your account? All I see is an main domain and nothing else. What is the domain you are having problems with? The nameservers I gave in your other support thread are the only ones there are.
  19. calistoy

    Please delete account

    Please fill out this form completely and reply back here with it. cPanel username: ( ) Inserting an X inside the parentheses signifies that I have made all necessary backups of my free hosting account and will not hold x10Hosting responsible for any data I am unable to recover after my free...
  20. calistoy

    Domain Problem

    The domain is a third-party free domain service that isn't owned or controlled by x10hosting, so you'll need to register an account at to have and use a domain. Your account at will have a place to set the nameservers. As for the nameservers to use are...