Search results

  1. calistoy


    Forum accounts are never deleted here.
  2. calistoy


    Okay. The cPanel for iceman shows an active account that is not suspended. But is a completely different account showing as suspended for inactivity. This means that there are a total of two cPanels and three forum accounts with 3 different emails registered to them...
  3. calistoy

    I cannot post to forum

    A look at your last activity for your forum account shows: 06-06-2011 03:23 AM . This tells me that you are posting from and attempting to reply from your account management panel. I don't know why it won't let you reply from there, but if you could please come to the forums (under Free...
  4. calistoy

    Please unsuspend account

    Please remember to login to these forums here at least once every 31 days to keep your account active and unsuspended. Posting is not required. It's advised to at least browse the news and announcements forum here to keep updated on free hosting news.
  5. calistoy


    There is no hosting account attached to your current forum username. Could you post here what your main domain or cPanel username was so that we can attempt to locate your account?
  6. calistoy

    Broken Link

    I'm able to load that page just fine. "This Site Is Under Construction See you soon." Please clear your browser's cache before trying to view any changes you've made to your site.
  7. calistoy

    cannot send emails

    From some other support threads here, I see that there is a problem at If you go to their main site, it won't load. Other domains won't work either. This maybe related to your problem.
  8. calistoy

    Joomla! 1.5.22 Stable search friendlí URLs

    Make sure that in your .htaccess, that RewriteBase / is uncommented and at the top of all rewrite rules.
  9. calistoy

    Domain not taking me to right page?

    If you keep getting that, then please clear your browser's cache before trying to view your site again. I can load your site just fine, but it's not, it's
  10. calistoy

    x10Hosting website not found

    Your url is working just fine. Please flush your computer's dns and clear your browser's cache, before checking it for yourself again.
  11. calistoy

    Login cPanel help.

    I have found your account. The url you've reply with as your site location belongs to a different forum user account. You've also, most likely, used the wrong email address to login to your account panel which is why you can't find your hosting details.
  12. calistoy

    I can login ?!

    You'll need to login with the correct forum username to request help for the account you are asking about. Please do that, and then we can help you.
  13. calistoy

    Sitebuilder Not Working

    Did you use your cPanel username and password for the username and password? Also the site url should have been automatically filled in as the root of your site.
  14. calistoy

    PHProxy automatically redirects to the home page?

    Unfortunately, when you agreed to the TOS, x10hosting could hold you to the terms outlined in it. Your suspension remains permanent.
  15. calistoy

    unsuspend my account

    Please login and visit the forums here first. It's saying that you were last here in Dec. 2010. That's why it suspended you again 8 days after you unsuspended yourself.
  16. calistoy

    I want To use my own domain

    For one thing, your domain doesn't have x10hosting nameservers assigned to it. Please go to your domain account and change the nameservers to and After that, check the redirects in your cPanel and your .htaccess.
  17. calistoy


    I just went to your profile for your forum account here, and the last activity of your forum account shows as 03-28-2011 09:04 AM. Did you actually login to the forums here, actually visiting the forums page to post this? If so, then it would be appreciated that you'd actually ask if something...
  18. calistoy

    Login cPanel help.

    If you need help, then please either login with the forum account associated with your active hosting account to ask for support, or give us your active hosting account cPanel username, or please answer Skizzerz's question of your site's domain name.
  19. calistoy

    My site is not showing

    If you saw my original reply, please disregard it. I've found out what the problem is and my previous troubleshooting instructions here are not part of any future resolution for this.
  20. calistoy

    Drupal HTTP requests fail

    No. This is because any changes to the php settings would be server-wide, not on an individual account basis, and the settings are not going to change due to this. You may need to contact the creators of Drupal through their support to find a way to work around this.