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  1. calistoy

    free web hosting

    That is not the url to your website. Your url is
  2. calistoy

    Long 503 errors

    Try emptying your browser's cache and then flush your computer's dns.
  3. calistoy

    Long 503 errors

    There are no 503 errors when I visit your site. Main domain and subdomain both redirect me to your forums. Your addon domain isn't registered with, though.
  4. calistoy

    Account suspended

    You can unsuspend yourself from the account panel What other modules do you have on wordpress? One or more of them might be causing the high resource usage.
  5. calistoy

    The new ad-free plan!!!

    Sorry, but I don't understand. You won't lose anything on your account if you don't ask for the upgrade. You hadn't asked for it, didn't you?
  6. calistoy

    Big/Huge problem

    I see in the first screenshot that you have the box checked to use an x10hosting subdomain with the domain you entered in to change it to. That's why it added with your domain. Does it still give you the error if you try it without that box checked?
  7. calistoy

    cant login to cpnel

    What was your cpanel username?
  8. calistoy

    Domain Modification

    I'll go ahead and escalate your support thread then. Just the click the yellow bar at the top to enter the second tier to your support ticket.
  9. calistoy

    Domain Modification

    Try using that drop box (that has x10hosting subdomain) to select the instead of entering it manually. It's supposed to be in that list.
  10. calistoy

    Main Domain Change!

    Remove that domain from your addon domains first. The log into your account panel, click on Hosting at the top, and then you can change your main domain there.
  11. calistoy

    view website

    Your site is throwing a 404 error. Could you go check that you uploaded your files to the correct place? Also check your .htaccess file.
  12. calistoy

    cPanel Login Failure

    Well the server name matches up. There's probably something wrong with that address right now. Try or h t t p s://yourdomainurl:2082/ (without the spaces)
  13. calistoy

    Co.Cc Not working?

    I'll escalate your support thread to staff so that they can solve this problem. Just click on the yellow bar at the top of this page to enter the second tier to your support ticket.
  14. calistoy

    Account Suspension help

    I had unsuspended you, but then you were suspended the third time. You're now unsuspended again. If you can, just go straight to the cpanel, and find out what causing the high resource usage and disable or remove it to prevent another suspension.
  15. calistoy

    Co.Cc Not working?

    I hope you got my reply about the domain typo.
  16. calistoy

    The "Root Directory"

    Try just typing / into the settings. If that doesn't work, second, try /public_html
  17. calistoy

    Co.Cc Not working?

    Go back to your account panel to change your main domain. When typing it out, leave out the and instead use the drop box to select the I'm saying this because your main domain is showing as Yes. That's double the in the main domain.
  18. calistoy is not working
  19. calistoy

    Co.Cc Not working?

    Try emptying your browser's cache and flushing your dns. Then check again. As for That domain still shows as available and not registered.
  20. calistoy

    Co.Cc Not working?

    I don't know why the error is saying that, but I thought I'd point out that a whois search at shows to be available to register. Even if you parked it, it wouldn't work until you register it. If you meant, it is currently your main domain and...