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  1. Anna

    Please active the SSL Certificates

    There does not appear to be any hosting associated with this forum account. Can you please provide the default domain of the account you need help with?
  2. Anna

    Adding adverts on website

    You can indeed have advertising on your account, such as google ad sense or other service as long as the ads also comply with ToS regarding content.
  3. Anna

    need help removing a domain from account

    Actually, it would not matter if the domain is added into the account or not in the long run, to move the domain elsewhere all you need to do is change where it points through your registrar.
  4. Anna

    Disk space upgrade request

    There is no hosting account related to this forum account. Could you please provide the domain on the account, or log in with the correct forum account and update this thread? You can see what the forum account related to the hosting is in your account panel, under profile.
  5. Anna

    How to add a second domain

    What is the domain you are trying to add? By the looks of that error message it seem like you are trying to add may already exist in another account (or possibly did in the past and was not properly cleaned from name servers).
  6. Anna

    How to add another domain

    They are all independent indeed. The domain does currently NOT point towards x10 servers in any way, so we can't help troubleshoot much at this time
  7. Anna

    Resolved Logging in to DirectAdmin

    Just for the record for anyone else wondering about DirectAdmin pass, in general it is NOT the same user/pass as the forums (and not the same as the panel login either), especially not on a newer account (created after the move to DirectAdmin. Username is what you see in panel as xxxxxxxx @...
  8. Anna

    Website Hosting DiskSpace Request

    I show that your account is currently using just over 100mb of disk space, this means you do not meet the requirements to get a disk space upgrade at this time. The requirement is usage of at least 75%, stored backups and usage inside trash would not be counted into this, so if you would have...
  9. Anna

    My paid account doesn't work

    Can you please try now?
  10. Anna

    URL Redirect 301 to

    Since the domain they'd land on is that one has to exist and the root folder for that one would be where the .htaccess with a redirect needs to be. It might be possible to set up the subdomain in DirectAdmin and use custom document root and that way point it to the same...
  11. Anna

    Permission denied to operations with directories.

    Folders should in general have 755 (files 644)
  12. Anna

    I request the cancellation of my suspension from the site

    Your account is currently not suspended
  13. Anna

    Account unsuspended but disabled

    Can you try now?
  14. Anna

    Your account is disabled

    Try now, it should be sorted.
  15. Anna

    forwarded domain no longer working?

    A lookup on that .ml domain gives me: "Whois Record Not Available This domain is not registered." You may need to check with the registrar what is going on with that domain, because in a state where it shows as unregistered to the world it will not work.
  16. Anna


    First of, since you apparently know what forum account that belongs to the service, you should be using that for all support requests as that makes it easy for us to find the account without you posting personal information, such as email address. The name servers should always be as seen in...
  17. Anna

    I am unable to backup my website

    You would need to start with removing the backups you already have, either download to your local computer via FTP or via DirectAdmin, and delete the backups from the server. You have nearly 400 mb in a folder called wpvividbackups (under wp_content).
  18. Anna

    Important Multi-Account Unblock Requests

    According to the post you quoted, they are checked until that point, so I guess that means you either did not post the request correctly, or you are not eligible to be unblocked. Make sure you post in the correct manner, with the information as required in the first post of this thread. If you...
  19. Anna

    Unable to access website

    Rename the folders for the plugins (this disables the plugin). Then one at a time you put them back to the original name and see which one gives trouble. There may be information in the error log as well, found in DirectAdmin under "System info and files" -> "error logs.... "
  20. Anna

    Increase disk space

    Over 500mb of your usage appears to be backups. Backups should be downloaded to your local computer for safe keeping. Having backups on the service will not help at all if said service fails. From what I can see you also have two backup plugins that both may be active (one uses roughly 370mb...