Search results

  1. cybrax

    Stoli SQL down?

    Thanks for that, just had a look and all seems fine.
  2. cybrax

    Limited Conceptions Studios -- Artist Gallery(Public Portfolio?)Site

    Firstly let me say I have seen FAR worse attempts. Design Tips# 1. Avoid using fancy or italic fonts for page text or menu buttons. If you must use them for page or header text then the general rule is the more decorative or unusual the font the larger it needs to be and because you cannot...
  3. cybrax

    Stoli SQL down?

    Thanks descalzo, I'll give it 24 hours or so and see what happens. Plus it's a good excuse for me to take a look at and play around with a 'Flat-file SQL' script that I've had sitting around for a while.
  4. cybrax

    Stoli SQL down?

    Before raising a support ticket I thought it better to find if it's just me or everybody getting this SQL error on Stoli ..
  5. cybrax

    Beware the Googlebot

    I don't know what Google have have done to their bot recently or maybe it's just my bad luck but I have had the Googlebot go berserk trying to index one of my projects* over at another web host and tripped the CPU useage limit. As a result I'm on suspension there lol! So as a warning to...
  6. cybrax

    Resource Limit Hit!

    It's unusual for a forum alone to drag a site down... what else does do? 'Tools' would seem to imply downloads or some form of online processing like a sitemap creator, favicon generator, runescape stats scraper;)
  7. cybrax

    AdSense Disabled-Invalid Activity?

    That phrase normally gets used when somebody has set the adsense colour scheme for text links to closely resemble that of the sites own internal links. You can blend ads making them compliment the layout but not look like part of the layout. Google webmaster guidelines state that sort of...
  8. cybrax

    Sometimes I wonder about some people

    Such tales of script kiddies are Internet classics. Here's a chat log of an old one from the bowells of the IRC that must be almost a decade old now. I'm regulary swatting a few persistant idiots who cannot for life of them...
  9. cybrax

    More than 30 server crashes in a month. Is this a serious hosting?

    Somedays it's hard enough just being the webmaster of a single site with the ever changing trends, rules and standards of the web it is not easy! so anybody with the guts to try sheperding the web hosting for several thousand sites deserves some praise. BTW.. crashes not my fault (this time at...
  10. cybrax

    Email weirdness

    That address is bouncing mail from me over at yahoo so its not the script.
  11. cybrax

    Please Close my X10 Hosting Accounts, did not read TOS all the way

    000webhost provide a similiar service, again with a one account per customer rule* so you don't have to leave X10 completely. *notes the 000 server responce times seem a bit flaky according to the stats I have for a site there and some features are not available like they are here
  12. cybrax

    Free ad

    Having a website is like having a mistress, you never forget her name lol! Yours by the way is called I believe and she is not what I would describe as remotely attractive at this time. Your site has no content at all and even the code for putting a flash game inside an iframe is...
  13. cybrax

    Review my SITE!

    Watch your thumbnail image sizes and the index page will load faster 504px × 299px (scaled to 100px × 75px)
  14. cybrax

    What keywords are important for a games website to rank in top pages of google?

    To be honest...Keyword optomisation is the least of your websites problems. Many of the downloads do not work but the admin on the file storage site have left a message. Page loading time is also terrible because of the badly sized images and Google is known to punish a websites if they keep...
  15. cybrax

    Advertising on my site

    Yes you can, many here use the servicces of Google adsense or Adbrite to put advertising on their website and many other providers can be found.
  16. cybrax

    Google Docs API

    I'm tring to upload a files to the google docs service using the api but have hit a dead end. The script below will move a plain text file but not a pdf.. according to the documentation they say it can be done but I'm going cross eyed reading it over and over again. Been tinkering with it but...
  17. cybrax

    How much do you earn money on adsense?

    Fingers crossed here at, if traffic growth holds then it may break even on hosting & registration costs in 3-4 months time. Next big target.. covering the cost of the coffee consumed! Three demo sites lurking across the web with free hosting have a little under $5 between...
  18. cybrax

    Free Domains .com .net .info etc

    A fellow web wanderer over at another free web hosting provider came across this and those here may find it useful as well. The nice folk over at 'Intiut' are giving away top level domain registration for free PLUS the ability to change the name servers! The catch being if you want to keep the...
  19. cybrax

    Scrolling message board problem

    Those few people who have javascript disabled for whatever reasons fall mostly into just three groups, the paranoid, site-scrapers and those with special accesability needs eg: partially sighted, hackers & web devs. However as most good screen readers are not troubled by in page scripting...
  20. cybrax

    I need a basic tutorial on MySql!!!!!!!!!

    Every cent counts and yes the PDO syntax is a little bit tidier and does provide some new features that give an extra layers of protection. However much of the internal structure remains the same as old SQL plus many of the advanced tutorials and code snippets across the web have NOT been...