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  1. masshuu

    Error when creating a free hosting account (on signup)

    Currently we don't have a way around the proxy block. What I can offer is see if the teacher for the specific class can create a premium account. There he can create as many websites/ftp logins as he wishes.
  2. masshuu

    Account Suspended?

    Hello, You should not loose your account. Admins are really busy at the moment, although I can poke em and look into it.
  3. masshuu

    Redirection problem

    I can see the www works correctly now. In the future, issues that result in you seeing the "cgi-sys/defaultwebpage.cgi" usually resolve themselves within a few hours.
  4. masshuu

    please help me

    If you want to clear everything, you can delete everything in public_html, just make sure to not delete the public_html folder. If you want to delete your account immediately and recreate it, fill out this and:
  5. masshuu

    Account Suspension

    You were suspended after we received a DMCA takedown notice. We have zero tolerance for copyright infringement and we are required to keep the infringing material offline so you will not be unsuspended.
  6. masshuu


    I can check with an admin about it if your having an issue.
  7. masshuu


    Sorry for not receiving any response. Mose people who help out are volunteers who don't know the back end works. Adding domains should work in cpanel, even if you receive that error.
  8. masshuu

    Account Deletion Request - Please delete my free hosting account.

    The account has been terminated.
  9. masshuu

    where is my website???

    You are on stoli, there are several announcements about maintenance
  10. masshuu

    My VB.NET program will not install - gives errors.

    Sorry, I saw VB.NET and thought you were referring to an ASP.NET app. Theres some directives in apache to parse .config files it appears, I just added this to your .htaccess file and they download now. AddType text/xml .config
  11. masshuu

    Hosting Unsuspension

    I have unsuspended of your account
  12. masshuu

    My account has been suspended

    I don't see an account under this forum name, whats the cpanel username. Additionally, what date did you pay for prime and when was the suspension dated.
  13. masshuu

    Unsuspend request fail

    I have unsuspended you.
  14. masshuu

    cant find the thread

    That thread is here:
  15. masshuu

    How much visitors free hosting can handle ... ???

    As much as you want, as long as you stay within the CPU, RAM, and Process limitations as outlined here:
  16. masshuu

    Fantisco doesn't work?

    I have alerted an admin to the issue, he is looking into it.
  17. masshuu

    Changing domain

    With maintenance going on, account actions like main domain changes are slowed down or stopped, so it can take a few days in some cases.
  18. masshuu

    Unsuspension of hosting account.

    You appear to have been manually suspended, which means a staff member confirmed the presence of phishing. I can try to find who suspended it but usually in these cases you won't get unsuspended.
  19. masshuu

    Can i use phpbb forum?

    You are free to setup a forum. Just keep in mind, any sub forums that promote or are for topics that break the Terms, you can be suspended.
  20. masshuu

    uploading a website

    If you don't know how to edit a html file, there are many tutorials on HTML, simply Google "HTML tutorial" Simply upload the file to the directory and everything should work.