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  1. L

    [Urgent] OMG!! This is hitting my head!! Please help!!!

    I've inserted it into my hompage, please click clear your internet caches first and click on my Signature.... Tell me how fast it loads... Edit: Is this part correct??? window.addOnLoad(function () { window.addScript("image_preload.js")...
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    [Urgent] OMG!! This is hitting my head!! Please help!!!

    I would like to use my type so that it could cache the JScript faster (dynamically).
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    [Urgent] OMG!! This is hitting my head!! Please help!!!

    Hi everyone! I am creating this script and its driving me crazy!!!! I don't know if this JavaScript will load all of my JScript first and let the page load second.... Could you please check if its correct????? Thank you! ---------------------------- <script language="Javascript"...
  4. L

    Fix corrupted Hal.dll - Windows Xp

    Hi! Thanks for the reply! Well...the procedure above is only designed for windows XP. But, for windows Vista, the Hal.dll has a different file sigature (with the same name). 1.] Try this and see if it fix...(use it in recovery console) chkdsk drive /p /r Notes: I'll try to figure a way around...
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    Internet Speed

    Well I hate to say this...there is a downside about'll have to check your website every 30 days (requires login to forums) to stay active. I would recomend to to go for a private server with Cpanel. Lair360
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    Globalnews Website [Updated]

    More latest updates. --------------------------- 1.] All images are compressed and cached for better performances. 2.] Globalnews Wordpress updated to version 7.2.1 with some minor security patches (modified by myself to stop spams and memory overflow). 3.] New articles - 110 post and counting...
  7. L

    250 points eech for 3 website owners! Read this!!

    For nearly 6 months, I still can't see my website and articles on google engine. So, in return, will you put my links to drive (live user) to my site? I will reward 3 website owner 250 points each. But, if you're driving fake traffic to my site then...I'll have to block you + no points for you...
  8. L

    Fallout vs. Oblivion

    Still...the framerates on these are super heavy with glitches!! ........beware of their products! :naughty:
  9. L

    Fix corrupted Hal.dll - Windows Xp

    Version: 43.4 Revision: 54 Build 122 Fix corrupted Hal.dll - Windows Xp Introduction: if your Windows Xp cannot find the file called: hal.dll, your operating system will trigger error message telling you that the important file was damaged, corrupted or deleted for a number of reasons. To...
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    Globalnews Website [Updated]

    My wordpress blog had a new face lift!! ....more comming soon!
  11. L

    Why consoles are rubbish! as much as you can with your Xbox360...:laugh: Its going to flip out and say: "I have a red ring of death!" Edit: UUUUhhhh....according to my consol history, my machine still lives! never die and keeps going for 1 year and 4 months! 40Gb edition and the new 80Gb edition. Notes...
  12. L

    did anybody got their computer infected with windowsclick?

    I had this 2 days ago and it really gives me the creeps!! I've removed it and it was a pain in the butt! --------------------------- The removal procedure can be found in my blog...
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    This is insane! I've made a big breakthrough with my PS3 and notebook!!

    What I am trying to say is... 1.] My Ps3 can power the notebook so that I can play: Silent Hunter 4: Wolves of the Pacific (PC DVD) without any lags. The PS3 supports my notebook while my ATi Mobility VGA card controles the background. This method will also reduces the stress on my notebook...
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    This is insane! I've made a big breakthrough with my PS3 and notebook!!

    Yesterday, I've completed my program and I've made it to get my notebook to work with my PS3! Talking about that, I also make the program to make my PS3 graphics card + CPU to power my notebook so that I could play Silent Hunter III. OMG...I set my game settings on my notebook (full blast) and...
  15. L

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    I ban zen-r for having a weird robot signature / banner! *laughing*
  16. L

    OMG! My Siberian Husky has a crush on me!!

    Thank you very much for your nice comments everyone! But, guess what? Everytime I fel asleep on my sofa, she just grab one of my small pillow (on the other sofa) and gave it to me so that I could get a good snooz! But, the downside is...she will not allow anybody to wake me up!! This is totally...
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    Fallout vs. Oblivion

    + More glitches to repair = Bethesda: "Just buy the game so that I could have my cash!" = "who cares about glitches! I am already rich!!"
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    Recycle Bin ~ VBScript

    UUUhhh....buddy, there is a newer version. Please visit my blog. blog is under my Signature panel. Cheers!
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    Users stealing credits..

    Good calculation! Well...these moderator has to put a sticker on their heads saying: "I cheat and I want money!" Accept for Coldfirezz, he's not getting blame. He has a brother...
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    Globalnews Website [Updated]

    Thank you very much for your great assistance. However, I would like to tell you this... 1.] I only support Google Chrome, IE7, IE8, Opera and Firefox. My CSS files are written to support these browsers...:happysad: I am sorry to say this... 2.] I am trying to make my website as portable as...