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  1. Livewire


    I apologize that you feel this way, however the TOS did indicate backups were your responsibility. The backups we have are of the entire server, mostly in the event of a complete server failure since it's not possible to retrieve a single account from them. In addition, the FAQ available in...
  2. Livewire

    hosting suspendido

    Hosting warez is a permanent suspension.
  3. Livewire

    404 Error on Website

    Starka was just rebooted, it's still "waking up" the rest of the way.
  4. Livewire

    /home/hhwsales running out of disk space

    I just cleaned starka, it should be fine again.
  5. Livewire

    Unable to write to htaccess

    Should be fixed; somewhere in there the .htaccess became owned by root instead of you. I also reset perms back to 755 to avoid a 500 Internal Server Error for incorrect permissions :)
  6. Livewire

    x10hosting Pumpkin Decorating Competition!

    If you've got a printer and Google, you've got pumpkin patterns :) If you don't have a printer, it'll be a bit trickier but it -is- still possible to hand-sketch one based off an image you've seen, just as Essellar pointed out.
  7. Livewire

    Check out my new website ! YourUpload - Free Image Uploading Service

    Actually file hosting is clearly disallowed in the TOS as well, which includes image hosting sites, so the site is currently at risk of being permanently suspended, and it will be as soon as my system catches up. Edit: Done. Ticket closed; if you bother to come back for a new account after...
  8. Livewire

    Who gets credit for this?

    Yeah, the credits system's currently Away WithOut Leave, but just this topic enough should be enough to pass on the thanks - the admins who fixed it should see it here just fine :)
  9. Livewire

    Request To Open A Port(please read)

    The escalated tickets were prior to it being made known to our volunteers that we don't open ports on free hosting. As for the x10 resellers, I don't believe we actually have a list of who they are, but based on the reseller page, they're not required to call themselves part of x10hosting...
  10. Livewire

    Request To Open A Port(please read)

    Where were these topics where you saw port requests being honored? I'm not aware of us having ever done port opening on free hosting unless it was -supposed- to be open and was closed by accident (SMTP's a good example).
  11. Livewire

    server error

    No worries, you were found to be phishing so it's not your problem anymore. Good day.
  12. Livewire

    x10hosting Pumpkin Decorating Competition!

    manik: you do have to upload the image to somewhere, embedding off of your hard-drive will not work for viewing for anyone but you. In my case, it'd actually display my desktop image, which isn't a pumpkin.
  13. Livewire

    Ports And Minecraft

    You'll be 100% unable to, as this is a webhosting service for websites, not a game hosting service for game servers. To run a minecraft server you'd either need a VPS or to check out
  14. Livewire

    PHP memory in Premium Hosting and Shell access

    Far as I'm aware you won't be able to change the php memory limit on premium via ssh because premium is still a shared hosting environment - all changes to php.ini affect everyone on the server. There is good news however - <-- the memory limit on...
  15. Livewire

    Full Disk

    This should be fixed already, the disk isn't full anymore.
  16. Livewire

    Chopin is full - Cannot upload.

    Should be fixed.
  17. Livewire

    Reason for Suspension

    Running the unsuspension now; as long as you get an index page up that links to the stuff in the winnigroups folder the tutorials can stay, since they'd have a defined website-related purpose :)
  18. Livewire

    Reason for Suspension

    What's PSP? PSP as in PlayStation Portable, or something different? So far admins haven't responded, but I'm willing to remove the suspension so you can at least grab the files first, since near as I can tell there's no copyright infringement going on. You'll still want to get an index up at...
  19. Livewire

    Question about Terms of use

    As long as the translation is easy to find, you'll be okay to have the default as portugese. If it's possible, I'd recommend having a front-page with the language selector right on it, something like "Welcome to <insertnamenere>; Select Language Below:" Of course that page would likely have to...