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  1. kkenny

    Review my new site

    Page currently does not load for me o.o
  2. kkenny

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    DSL (Damn Small Linux) Might do, but it's like Windows 3.x in my opinion.
  3. kkenny

    Server Busy...

    Uhh, one issue may be that Lotus has HTTP and FTP down. You might want to wait a few minutes then try again.
  4. kkenny

    Bring Traffic to your site/forum. How you do it?

    Use Meta Tags, and make a sitemap. Then submit your website to many search engines. Join Link Exchange programs, Affiliate with many sites and sponsor them if you can. Also try to advertise on other sites if they allow it. Do events that give out decent prizes, that will bring up some activity...
  5. kkenny

    Software you can't live without?

    Firefox, Konversation (IRC), Pidgin, KWrite, Audacity, and thats basically it.
  6. kkenny

    my site

    The vBulletin body looks ok, it's only near the footer of the page where things get ugly. You might want to tidy it up in general, because I can't find anything specific to fix... And the custom page you made yourself looks ok, I suggest you make it a little skinnier though because I have a...
  7. kkenny

    C++, PHP, Assembly, Delphi, Java e.t.c Which is most powerful?

    Let me remind you guys that PHP was developed form some version of C. So I guess C/C+/C++/C# is the most powerful language. PHP and ASP.NET are powerful web languages, and Java/ActionSCript/JavaScript are decent, but their is nothing really special about those three languages.
  8. kkenny

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    I am currently moderating the forums :)
  9. kkenny


    I have no idea what Humanity in the religious form would be. I myself just follow the buddhist values because that's what I've been learning as I've grown up. I really don't put much thought into religion, because I just think it's another way to discriminate people. But it is still important...
  10. kkenny

    How is my website?

    Very nice. I only have a few suggestions - Center the google ad, the one at the very top of the content - Remove the other ad from google, or move it to your side bar - Make Nav bar text a little bigger. - More content! - Why are there two search boxes? - Excellent sidebar if I must say...
  11. kkenny

    Riview my site

    Sort of bland to me, and I really don't like "wide/fluid" layouts. It also has lack of color, which isn't a bad thing when used correctly, but this isn't just one of them. The text use is pretty good though, and the border use is better than average, so I guess it isn't all that bad. 7/10
  12. kkenny

    My personal site

    I think if you add a little more images to your design it would look nicer, I mean the layout looks very nice! But it just needs a few images to add that sexy flair! (lol sexy) 6/10
  13. kkenny

    XML Parsing

    Hey, this is just a warning guys, but please stop spamming. We have the forum "Off Topic" for that x) Anyways, I'll take a look into this, and I'll post back if I can find a solution to your problem...
  14. kkenny

    Hope this is the right place to post this.

    I think I may have a solution too. When your using the attributes "width" and "height" instead of using pixels to make it look good only in your resolution/monitor, you could use % (percentages) to make it look good in many resolutions/monitors because % stretch across the percent of the user's...
  15. kkenny

    phpBB + French language = Pb

    Have you tried searching your ACP/phpbb3 for the option that verbsite mentioned? If there is one, it will fix everything hopefully. If not then I think you have to use phpmyAdmin to fix it. EDIT :: OOPS. I didn't notice verbsite also mentioned the phpmyadmin solution. So sorry ><
  16. kkenny

    Trouble installing Movable Type

    Has the file been CHMOD'ed correctly? It's either that the file can not be opened, or the file does not exist.
  17. kkenny

    joomla problem

    I think he's on paid hosting since he's a VIP user. Anyways my small knowledge interpretation of PHP makes me think that the php file is requesting a file from a certain area, but that area does not have the file so it's returning that error. Failed to open stream, no such file or...
  18. kkenny

    favicon help needed

    Some image making programs also allow you to save in .ico format, such as GIMP or Photoshop, it might not be on the file type section, but you have to put it something like Save as : Favicon.ico and then upload it to public_html, and everything should be working.
  19. kkenny

    Help with this error!

    Moved to Programming Help, since it is more of a help forum then Graphics..
  20. kkenny

    My guide to faster web browsing with info.

    Very nice guide. Very informative and helpful :)