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  1. X

    serch i snot working There's a search box right at the top of the forum. Alternatively, there's a search button at the bottom of the forum - for now, until the other one is fixed that should be used or the top one. It's because there's an advert underneath the search...
  2. X

    [800credits] Putting together my logo - need help!

    Hey people, I confess, I'm RUBBISH with the graphics side of web design. Never really had the time to learn tutorials nor play and deeply learn what does what and how something effects another part of the image. My blog is here - The header is made up of...
  3. X

    Not accepting confirmation code

    It's because in our backend system things aren't "aligned" correctly at the moment so one part is saying "WELL I need confirmation" and the other "There is no confirmation pending". This is being worked on!
  4. X

    Error Message: Account Is Not Pending E-Mail Confermation

    Hi all in this thread, Unfortunately you'll just have to wait it out for the time being. Once accounts are configured correctly behind the scene it will all fit together like a jigsaw and work fine.
  5. X

    Why does this keep happening?

    You shouldn't be complaining to x10Hosting about servers being down. You should complain to the users on it who are abusing it to make it unstable and down. Obviously these are dealt with. Whether it's good customer service or not do you think admins really have time to explain all server...
  6. X

    Afew questions.

    Yes, it is called masking. I'm not sure if one) if x10Hosting offers that or two) how to do it at x10Hosting.
  7. X

    please send me a confirmation email

    Shame that brings up a 404 Not Found error. Goto your cPanel page - - use the Password Reset.
  8. X

    What do you hate?

    You know when there are loads of things you hate when you don't really think about it then you're asked and can't really think of anything - well that's happening now and I think that's down to because it's obviously not "hate".
  9. X

    addondomain Suspension

    I've just checked through the check suspension reason and it appears it's not actually suspended. Can you tell us if you're still having this problem? It might say you are still but you're not (or it could even be the opposite way round) - at the moment it seems at the backend of things it's...
  10. X

    Newsletter or eMagazine?

    On reading this thread I must admit I do quite like the idea of having an emagazine. I will try to keep this short and sweet since a lot has already been covered and I am only going to repeat that but like what has already been said - you can fit more in and have a couple of pages. Then it...
  11. X

    Waiting for hosting ???

    There's a new procedure to getting an ad-enhanced account. You need to sign up for an ad-free account, place the advert on your site and then request to be upgraded to ad-enhanced.
  12. X

    i cant login!!

    That's because you've been suspended 01201lin. The suspension is because you didn't login to the forum for two weeks. You can unsuspend yourself by going to and putting your cPanel in.
  13. X


    It seems your account IS linked. At the moment there is a new updated system still being put into place with regards to how the accounts are handled - this is causing some accounts to show as not being linked when they actually are.
  14. X

    Help plz --- urgent

    When in cPanel, choose File Manager and public_html. Alternatively if that is giving you a 404 error can you not try using an FTP program to access your files? << This way is quicker too!
  15. X

    gzip backup

    You can FTP them from the server to your computer. When the new cPanel theme was released so was a new back up feature which is stored on the server.
  16. X

    Can i Use Joomla

    You can install it through Fantastico or download it from the Joomla website and upload it yourself. Of course you can install different templates for joomla - this just involves uploading the template into the templates folder for joomla.
  17. X

    Tried to post introduction - failed

    I think I know the problem. When you registered did you get an email asking for you to confirm your FORUM account? It appears you are in the forum group "Users awaiting email confirmation". I presume this means you can't post in other forums too (possibly could you check that?). I...
  18. X

    Unsuspend not working Click the button for checking suspension reason > put in your cpanel username and unsuspend youself. From looking at your post I presume you haven't done this. Remember you need to ONLY login to the forums ONCE every two weeks!
  19. X

    Please upgrade my PHP

    As you can imagine right now they are extremely busy ironing out kinks from peoples troubles on the main site. You'll just have to be patient in this time because it's all a little new for everyone.
  20. X

    Tried to post introduction - failed

    Looks like the accounts are linked. I can see the information here.