Search results

  1. Livewire

    Account susspeded

    It has nothing to do with that; your account is not linked to that email address. For cpanel a5003551, there is no result found, meaning that a500500 is likely the correct username. And it's not that we don't believe you are the owner of that domain. It's that none of the information matches...
  2. Livewire

    How to register?

    This is also what I posted in your off topic thread. I apologize if anyone in there misled you into believing it was possible to bypass the country block - neither of the other 2 repliers in there were aware of the country block limitations.
  3. Livewire

    Suspend Acount

    Shell scripts are a zero tolerance suspension reason; you're responsible for the security of your website. The TOS also indicates you're the only one whose supposed to be putting content on it, so I'm a bit confused why one of your students was even able to upload to it: Forums don't count as...
  4. Livewire

    Shell access

    Shell is disabled for security on free hosting; phpmyadmin should already be installed as part of cpanel however. If it's giving you troubles, post any error messages so we can do our best to debug the cause and rectify it :)
  5. Livewire

    Account Deletion Request - Please delete my free hosting account.

    I have marked your account for deletion; it will self-terminate after a 14 day waiting period. If in the mean time you decide you wish to cancel the erasure, open a ticket and we can take it back out of the queue. Thanks for using x10hosting!
  6. Livewire

    How to register?

    Or you could actually read what's already been posted. I've already confirmed numerous times with staff - there is currently no way to bypass the country block, as it was placed for a reason. I'm all for trying to help, but this makes twice in the same night you've either outright given wrong...
  7. Livewire

  8. Livewire

    The connection has timed out

    2086? HTTPS is on 2083, http on 2082 for cpanel. Try 2083 and see if it gets any better.
  9. Livewire


    Your last login to the forums, as required in the TOS, was back on 5-13 when you joined x10hosting. This is why your account was suspended for inactivity. Once you've logged into the forums, either reply to this ticket for unsuspension, or head to your account panel and request unsuspension...
  10. Livewire

    How to register?

    Gunna stop you there ChatIndia - we have no way to bypass the country blocks at this time. They are there for a reason - we have GREATLY reduced the abuse and downtime caused by abuse by blocking approximately 20 countries. To put it lightly, if you want hosting, tell your fellow countrymen to...
  11. Livewire

    site not working

    "If you are a member please Click Login to access this site." Is what I get. Clear cache, and flush dns to see if it loads. If it still doesn't, your ISP may not have the updated DNS record or have cleared their cache (some ISP's cache data), so it may take a bit to clear out.
  12. Livewire

    DynamicSignatures beta

    Looks good for now, but make sure it never breaks the TOS or it'll go down in a hurry.
  13. Livewire

    Flexible Web Host

    The problem is I have a rough idea of how many users are on each server; it's just not feasible to try and make a setup like this work with how many we already -have- on the server. If we wanted to nuke everything and start over it'd work, but I'm willing to bet there'll be a STORM of folks...
  14. Livewire

    delete my current domin x10hosting

    Under a permanent suspension we will not expedite the removal of your current hosting account. It will automatically purge itself from the system after a minimum of 14 days have passed, and quite often longer.
  15. Livewire

    My account is suspended

    Fix'd, system didn't undo the suspended-page redirect. Should be good to go, as it looks like the encrypted cpanel password -should- be the same (it's not marked as being a suspended password). If the cPanel login won't work, do a password reset from the account panel.
  16. Livewire

    My account is suspended

    Yup, hold tight. This'll be my last fix for the night before sleep :)
  17. Livewire

    Something to Consider

    I've followed them since 6-30-2005 except for when I intentionally uploaded a script to verify the filter I just added to the malware scanners was functional. I even follow Premium's TOS too. It can't be -that- hard.
  18. Livewire

    PHP Login

    active.king: The script is executing, meaning permissions were never an issue. If they were, he'dve had a 500 Internal Server Error. The script configuration itself is no longer an error either, as the OP has stated they got the login script working. Unless Activeradio has any new issues with...
  19. Livewire

    please let me remove all

    ZT means Zero Tolerance; per the TOS, Warez does say "includes sites that provide links to or how to's about such material," which is what you appear to have been hit for. This is permanent, and cannot be removed. I'm siding with the suspension reason as well - if the warez site you linked to...
  20. Livewire


    Not when you were permanently suspended by our CEO - he left his calling card behind. You're not getting anything back at this point. Edit: Forgot to mention, it's for violating section 1of the TOS, and then 6 and 8 detail how you don't get anything back.