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  1. masshuu

    Please turn on my innodb on the mySQL database account.

    if your creating a table though phpmyadmin, you select it under the "Storage Engine" if your using a mysql query to make the table, you use CREATE TABLE `SomeDatabase`.`SomeTable` ( `someFields` INT NOT NULL ) ENGINE = INNODB
  2. masshuu

    cant park domain

    He can't set nameservers with his register apparently. I'm going to escalate it, since someone here needs to forcefully add the domain here.
  3. masshuu

    Happy birthday AdamParkzer!

    Happy birthday! i promises to not do anything stupid today in front of you!
  4. masshuu

    X10hosting Vps

    They come with a basic install, with bare minimum, apache, Openssh, and not much else. X10 can set up cpanel and get it working for you if you buy that, but otherwise they won't do anything else.
  5. masshuu

    errmmm domain = messup

    You need to change settings in mybb, its still linking to the domain for everything like images (look at the source of the site)
  6. masshuu

    Setting up IMAP/Push email on iphone...

    The emails arn't sent to the app, the app needs to run to connect to the server and check for emails. on my phone(not an IPhone, a WM6.1 based phone), it checks for new emails every 5 minutes, then blinks the LED on the phone when one has arived. I can't say much about actually sending emails...
  7. masshuu

    What is your favorite travel or vacation place on earth?

    I would also like to go to japan. Maybe also go to Europe and visit a bunch of country's and citys there. One other place would be Dubai.
  8. masshuu

    Girl gets 2 years for cooking cat in oven

    probably burned, the cat would melt and explode as much as a dead turkey in the oven.
  9. masshuu

    Girl gets 2 years for cooking cat in oven

    we boil lobsters alive, whats the difference with the cat? its smarter? you obviously have never seen cats before then. given i'm not all for killing cats in the oven. If you want to eat it, make its death quick.
  10. masshuu

    X10hosting Vps

    i thought 3 of the free servers were on 1 physical server, then 4 more. unless TechAsh hasn't updated the page, theres 4 paid servers [edit] also the vps are cheap because there unmanaged and corey isn't supporting a whole company with an office and such, as most larger companys need to do, so...
  11. masshuu

    X10hosting Vps

    they have at least 14 servers, if not more. i don't have a number, but thats a decent number for a small company.
  12. masshuu

    Master Google?

    google uses a system that makes it impossible to so that, unless of course you spent allot of money, so the $1000 a month almost seems reasonable. I would guess though that the keywords they bump up have to be less common. I bet though that you could spend $500 on an advertisement budget and...
  13. masshuu

    X10hosting Vps

    they rent servers from so i assume there built as needed with no major brand. The Processors can vary, but there generally Intel Quad cores.
  14. masshuu

    Girl gets 2 years for cooking cat in oven

    and why do you say that. I'm sure lobsters feel pain. You also have to kill the chickens, im sure they feel pain same with any other animal, they may feel pain for even a split second, depending on how they are killed.
  15. masshuu

    Girl gets 2 years for cooking cat in oven

    chickens are usually dead before they go in the oven. but what about lobsters, you cook them alive
  16. masshuu

    Master Google?

    the site seems very suspicious. I can't find any form of privacy policy, or any documents like a tos, eula, aup, or any other legal binding contract. If your referring to the Free SEO, i would not trust that either. also if you wanna know if somethings against the TOS, you can just reread it...
  17. masshuu

    For those days when life says "NO"

    :p i know, but it was combined with some other things earlier, life is telling me "I hate you today"
  18. masshuu

    For those days when life says "NO"

    life gives you one of these: and says "Try ME"
  19. masshuu

    Inconsistent site and user names

    right now, you can't. its 1 character short because cpanel has an 8 character name limit. hopefully with the changes coreys implementing soon, this will go away, but for now, you can't change your names
  20. masshuu

    epic and stupid

    uuuh if you looked at it, its an iframe. You can't really phishing on iframes, and there isn't any actual phishing going on, so no. If i was curl the url and echoing out the result, then yes, it could be a proxy. also, try it: any bank worth is value...