Try this:
Go into cPanel ( )
Click on Remote MySQL
Add '' to the list (without quotes)
Then try loading phpMyAdmin again
Try this for the MySQL:
Go into cPanel ( )
Click on Remote MySQL
Add '' to the list (without quotes)
Then try loading your page again.
Edit: nevermind, you can't access cPanel. Try changing your cPanel password through the AMP...
Try this:
Go into cPanel ( )
Click on Remote MySQL
Add '' to the list (without quotes)
Then try loading your page again.
Try this:
Go into cPanel ( )
Click on Remote MySQL
Add '' to the list (without quotes)
Then try loading your page again.
Try this:
Go into cPanel ( )
Click on Remote MySQL
Add '' to the list (without quotes)
Then try loading your page again.
It appears that your site's files were never restored.
I'm escalating this to a support ticket where a staff member can assist you.
To view the support ticket, click on the yellow bar at the top of this page.
*****Escalating Thread*****
I have no idea why it disappeared. Once an account is gone, I can't access any suspension records.
During the moves, the backend was down which is why you couldn't unsuspend your account.
You have a hosting account with cPanel username joshsurg
Your site is:
You can login to cPanel at
Try this:
Go to cPanel and click on Remote MySQL
Add '' to the allowed list (without quotes)
Then try loading your database pages again.