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  1. Livewire

    PLease Reactive my Account

    Skip what Anna said and change it to "Zero tolerance permanent suspension for image hosting." This one was one that my scanner picked up on; I went to go confirm the suspension and found an image hosting script set up in the imagehost subdir. This violates the File Hosting section of our TOS...
  2. Livewire

    my account...

    It will automatically be purged from our system. We don't erase it manually.
  3. Livewire

    Why am I getting an inactivity suspension warning?

    Escalating up, staff may wanna take a look at this one obviously :)
  4. Livewire

    suspension due to file hosting

    You said it yourself - you're hosting the images, and the -actual- webpage running asp is on another provider. That's Image Hosting, a variant of File Hosting, which we do not allow. The honeypot file itself is allowed, but there is content on your site that is -not- linked to the honeypot...
  5. Livewire

    my Hosting Account is Suspended! Why??

    You marked the box that said you have read and agreed to abide by the TOS; now you're saying you weren't aware of this being in the TOS that you agreed to? So which do you want - a zero tolerance permanent suspension for not reading the TOS, or a zero tolerance permanent suspension for...
  6. Livewire

    Problem in File Manager

    Juuuuust to check, cause public_html exists on your account (checked the server), when you open File Manager, do you see a folder called coolbizz? If so you're actually -in- public_html already.
  7. Livewire

    Suspended for vBull, No need For It Was a test

    Doesn't matter; by that excuse I could get halfway through putting warez on the free account and claim "I wasn't really gunna host it." Here's why it doesn't hold water: the TOS says it doesn't allow Warez at all. Doesn't say -anything- about it actually being in a folder visible to other...
  8. Livewire

    Serious banner exchange

    Closing topic at OP's request.
  9. Livewire

    My website suspended

    [ScRiPt iNfO]ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ þ Script name : vBulletin Suite v4.0.2 Patch Level 1 include KeyGen Here's a gigantic hint: vBulletin Suite is not free, and the version you got has been "nulled" meaning all protection removed illegally to make it free...
  10. Livewire

    [RESOLVED] i installed my christmas vbulletin and got suspended

    Re: [UNRESOLVED] i installed my christmas vbulletin and got suspended No worries; gunna close the ticket since it's installed now, but if you run into other troubles (or it hits a third high resource usage and you can't get it unsuspended) open another ticket and let us know :) Have a good...
  11. Livewire

    [RESOLVED] i installed my christmas vbulletin and got suspended

    Re: [UNRESOLVED] i installed my christmas vbulletin and got suspended No worries on the license; I figured just that it -had- a valid license # was plenty for now anyways given that in the past 24hr my own scanner has found 7 that didn't even bother to put a fake one in, and 1 that flat out...
  12. Livewire

    [RESOLVED] i installed my christmas vbulletin and got suspended

    Re: i installed my christmas vbulletin and got suspended Yeah if you're not sure how to use xampp then throw that out the window cause if you're trying to learn it, it's tricky. XD Quick note on your vB license as well, it came back legit but licensed to a different domain; you'll wanna...
  13. Livewire


    Staff Note: The virus in question has at least 1 example in his wp-content folder, 139358.php. I've no idea how it's getting there, or for that matter if it's affecting other accounts with x10hosting since a google search turned up that about all it does is redirect 404 error pages to somewhere...
  14. Livewire

    [RESOLVED] i installed my christmas vbulletin and got suspended

    Re: i installed my christmas vbulletin and got suspended To be honest I'm not sure; 3/3 isn't bad it just means you can't unsuspend it through the account panel yourself... One idea though is if you have WAMP or XAMPP installed locally for developing stuff, install vBulletin there, export the...
  15. Livewire

    [RESOLVED] i installed my christmas vbulletin and got suspended

    Re: i installed my christmas vbulletin and got suspended Rebump, looks like it was indeed something with the install; it didn't finish and got hit when it was partway through. Not sure if there's a way around that; if you can actually get it past install it should be fine, but the install...
  16. Livewire

    [RESOLVED] i installed my christmas vbulletin and got suspended

    Re: i installed my christmas vbulletin and got suspended Wasn't for nulled vBulletin actually, it's showing something during the install sapped the cpu/ram at higher than the allowable limits for longer than 60s; my bet's on CPU. It should be unsuspending shortly; the license # itself is...
  17. Livewire


    BUMP FOR STAFF: USER NOW PERMANENTLY SUSPENDED, MySQL Chatbox, Zero Tolerance even without the virus. Don't bother unsuspending or attempting to resolve the virus.
  18. Livewire

    Reset and unsuspend

    I already escalated your other ticket; you need to wait for a reply from higher-level staff. Whether it can be unsuspended or not is up to them, especially since it has recently come to our attention that the reviewer who suspended you had to clean out their files because they did indeed get...
  19. Livewire

    Help me remove suspension

    I already escalated your other ticket; if staff say no then the answer is no. If they say yes then they'll unsuspend it. Wait for a response from the ticket; closing this one since it's a dupe.
  20. Livewire


    The viral code is present in every php file on your account; escalating to staff cause they'll have to take a closer look at how best to resolve the issue given that it's possibly in more files than I'm finding it in.