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  1. descalzo

    server error

    Seems to be clear now. Please clear your browser cache and history so you do not see old information.
  2. descalzo

    Stop a file being downloaded

    On x10hosting, your personal file system starts at /home/igor , where igor is your cPanel username. Your Document Root, the files that are directly accessible via the web, starts at /home/igor/public_html A PHP script can access any file on your personal file system. So, if you want to have...
  3. descalzo

    Server Error. Can't use my domain.

    No more Server Error. It connects now. But it shows a database connection error. You should check your settings on your script.
  4. descalzo


    I cannot find any Whois info for your .us main domain. Where did you buy it?
  5. descalzo

    404 Page?

    After that, add: ErrorDocument 404 /error/404.html where /error/404.html is the path to your error document. (in this case it is named 404.html and is located in a directory error in public_html )
  6. descalzo

    account locked, email address on file is wrong...cant get access to account

    This forum account does not show a free hosting account linked to it. Furthermore, the domain name you gave does not show up in the system. Is this a paid account? Trace does go to a Single Hop server.
  7. descalzo

    Please I need back my suspended free host

    If you were suspended a long time ago, you account would have been deleted after 14 days of suspension. No backups are kept. You are welcome to sign into the Account Panel, , and create a new free hosting account. Also, this forum account is less than...
  8. descalzo

    problem with phpmyadmin

    On this server set up, you use cPanel --> MySQL Databases to create your database and database users and to assign db users to dbs.
  9. descalzo

    account suspension

    Loads for me in FireFox. Please clear your browser cache and history before checking your site again.
  10. descalzo

    Please I need back my suspended free host

    When was the last time you saw your site working? URL for the site? When were you notified that it was suspended?
  11. descalzo

    404 Page?

    If you post the contents of .htaccess file (between CODE tags), I can possibly help.
  12. descalzo

    Cant access domain?

    The standard set up is to have CNAME not an A record. Edit/Add: Can I ask if you entered the A record for the www or if it was the x10's system that did it?
  13. descalzo

    Premium Service Question

    It is the 8 character name that is the 'Hosting username' you see in the Account Panel Also, it is the xxxx in /home/xxxx/public_html in the path to your files.
  14. descalzo


    If you tried to unsuspend your account via the feature in the Account Panel, , and it did not work, I apologize for any failure of the system. It shouldn't take more than a few minutes. Next time there is a problem that continues for hours, please...
  15. descalzo

    Please upgrade my php v3!

    1. usec() is not a PHP function as far as I can find out. 2. I do hope that all those videos are legit.
  16. descalzo

    CSS on Chopin

    Chopin seems to be a bit off today. Your page loads for me, but there are others who have reported intermittent problems.
  17. descalzo

    exec() function!

    That would be correct. It is not activated. And it will not be. Too much of a security problem in a shared environment.
  18. descalzo

    My site is not working?

    Seems Chopin had a brief problem. From your site. It is now working. Please clear your browser cache and history so you do not see outdated error messages.
  19. descalzo

    "The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later."

    Re: "The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later. You are the second person reporting a problem on Chopin, but it seems to have cleared up for both of you. "I shipped my laser to Dmitry after an unsuccessful repair from Holo "
  20. descalzo

    Urgent Issue

    Chopin is running fine. Your site loads fine for me. Clear your browser cache and history so you do not see outdated error messages.