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  1. joejv4

    No acces to site over 2 days

    Please see this link: for the status of the Chopin Server Move. They will post an update when there is a change in status. Right now, they are in process of copying the accounts. Bookmark this address: and check back regularly.
  2. joejv4

    Firefox users: Do you like the new Tab behavior in v 3.6?

    it doesn't really matter to me. It will take a little readjustment so that I click on the right tab, only because I'm used to the old behavior, but I give it a week or two and it will seem like second nature.
  3. joejv4

    The Uber Serious Thread About Mondo Important Stuff

    In a word.... Wow! I'm still trying to figure out where he got himself discussing philosophy based on your initial post. I mean really, the last thing I would expect when I posted about a brain-cramp that I had, which I found humorous and decided to share, is a dissertation on modifying my...
  4. joejv4

    Unable to connect to my FTP server

    If your account is on Starka/Chopin, see this:
  5. joejv4

    Starka/Chopin problems

    Thanks, I figured maybe it might help to cut down on a lot of the "My website is down" posts.
  6. joejv4

    Starka/Chopin problems

    OK, For anybody that has not checked out the Service Alerts at here's the scoop... x10hosting has been moving all of the free accounts to new servers. Part of this move included merging all of the accounts that were on Starka, onto Chopin. During the move, some...
  7. joejv4

    Chopin Expedited Copy
  8. joejv4

    Global Warming: fact or fiction?

    Yes, AGW is a scam. Follow the money and the political agendas. Look at the bizarre solutions like "carbon credits" being proposed. Look at the new taxes that governments want to levy. It is a major scam. Likely the largest scam ever run. Actually, cheap, fuel-efficient cars would have evolved...
  9. joejv4

    What does this mean?

    Now, when I try to browse to my site, I get the following. What does it mean? Great Success ! Apache is working on your cPanel® and WHM™ Server If you can see this page, then the people who manage this server have installed cPanel and WebHost Manager (WHM) which use the...
  10. joejv4

    Why were sites moved?

    Thanks for the update Bryon. Any ETA on completion of the Chopin migration?
  11. joejv4

    Why were sites moved?

    Mine has been on starka since I started it, the Starka migration was completed, and now my site is suddenly on chopin, which is just now undergoing migration and is offline. Why was my account moved to Chopin from Starka?
  12. joejv4

    Starka is down!!!

    Website, cPanel, ftp all cannot connect. Edit: Now I'm really confused... My account panel now shows my cPanel server being on Chopin, but my credentials do not work when I browse to on a mahine that does not go through a port filter. There is a DNS compnent, because I...
  13. joejv4

    a fishing forum

    OK, the best reviewers would be members who are into fishing, as you would have an opinion on content as well as the look and feel of my forum, however, I also would appreciate some disinterested feedback as well - on the general attributes of my forum site as well. Please have a look and let...
  14. joejv4

    X10 Hosting Notifications

    The new status site is nice, however, when the Service Alerts forum was the means of communication, I always received an email because I subscribed to that forum, now I have to specifically browse the service status page to see if there is anything underway that I might need to be aware of...
  15. joejv4

    You wouldn't steal a CD...

    If you get a good doctor, those samples can be a blessing. I'm on a prescription that my copay runs $45/month. I'm on a couple others that have generics and by using the pharmacies with special programs in place, only run me $10 for three months. I came right out and told my Dr. that I won't...
  16. joejv4

    You wouldn't steal a CD...

    Actually, I do not see what you mean. Plagiarism is stealing, piracy is stealing, stealing is stealing - regardless of the thief's financial situation. I'll reiterate: taking something that does not belong to you, without the owner's permission (or even worse, against the owner's wishes), is...
  17. joejv4

    You wouldn't steal a CD...

    Sorry about that, I didn't mean for that to come across as ad hominem. Rather was simply stating that regardless of what we say, there will be some inane justification put forth for illegally pirating movies. You took right to the "talking to a wall" remark, while completely overlooking the...
  18. joejv4

    Global Warming: fact or fiction?

    Sources... I'd only be too happy to give you a couple sources. For the sake of brevity I'll not attempt to get into a huge effort to paraphrase, rather, I'll provide a couple links and some suggested reading. First, here is an excellent read on "greenhouse" (gasses and effect) that explains...
  19. joejv4

    Global Warming: fact or fiction?

    What you guys are seeing is called "weather", not climate. It is an El Nino year, which is why SoCal is seeing Seattle-like weather. Just like it did during the last strong El Nino. Weather patterns are cyclical. If you look into the things that were discovered when someone hacked into a...
  20. joejv4

    You wouldn't steal a CD...

    David, The folks that pirate music, movies, software, etc. will use any excuse they can think of in an attempt to justify their actions - to themselves as well as others. To say, "I pay to go to concerts, so I don't need to pay for an artist's recordings" is my favorite. I'm sure that these...