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  1. W

    Google apps ?

    But the TTL is way too long I think its like set so high as 24 hrs.. for MX. I keep hoping x10 will get this email outage resolved soon so we won't have to change. Im new here so I don't know the x10 history for mail outages.
  2. W

    Google apps ?

    But to get access to the google apps you have to verify your email / domain. can't do that with X10 mail service is down. you have to verify your addr. already been there. thats my brick wall. You can use google as a smtp relay this way. :mad:
  3. W

    Chopin not sending Emails!!!

    They should be queued. stoli is accepting email just doesn't drop it in your inbox. looks like incomming and outgoing mail is down right now.
  4. W

    Chopin not sending Emails!!!

    Yup all of us on stoli are in the same boat with ya'll. no incomming email since 10am this morning. no outbound email. down again. This outage has been going for 3 days.:dunno: Edit: can you check stoli? no inbound or outbound email. no bounced mail comes back. nothing..
  5. W

    outgoing mail down on stoli again

    Heads up everyone! It seems that both incomming and outgoing email is down on stoli again.
  6. W

    no incoming email on stoli

    Yes. This is not the same issue. This is incoming email (IMAP) from the net not outgoing email (smtp) anyone that sends mail to me just stopped at 10am this morning. I got two email and after that nothing. this other mail issue was a problem with outbound email I checked and stoli is...
  7. W

    no incoming email on stoli

    Im using IMAP with a webmail app. I looked in the dir where my webmail app is installed but I don't see where messages would be stored. I assum the mail is on the IMAP daemon. The webmail is SquirrelMail version 1.4.19 installed from cpanel on stoli on my site.
  8. W

    inbound email is not working.

    I think that was about outbound email. not incomming mail.
  9. W

    inbound email is not working.

    Anyone else out there notice that inbound email is not showing up in your mailboxes on stoli?.. I haven't seen anything in over a hour. made several test. stoli is accepting email but its not getting moved to my inbox. sorry about the dubble post.. I thought I was opening a support...
  10. W

    no incoming email on stoli

    since after 10AM this morning it seems no email coming in now. I've sent 3 test mesages from different sources and none have made it to my mailbox. others have said they sent email but I haven't seen it yet and its been over an hour. Its seems stoli is taking the email but its not showing...
  11. W

    backup web server?

    Hey can anyone tell me if its ok to setup a website on another free hosting service and create a site just like the one I have hosted at x10 for a backup website?.. The reason I ask is I was thinking if for some reason stoli was down for a long time I could just redirect my domain to this other...
  12. W

    queueprocd failed

    outgoing mail is working and I have a green icon in the cpanel on stoli. sent a test mesg and it made the trip. incomming and outgoing email is down again on stoli.. 10:15pm CST Monday 11-09-09
  13. W

    Email not sending

    Im still seeing the queueproc daemon is down (failed) in the cpanel server status page on stoli. been down a couple days now. This seems to only effect outgoing email for me. I have a support ticket already opened yesterday so they are working on it.
  14. W

    Annoying bug

    So if I use my FTP client to upload or download files should I just xfer a few at a time or one at a time? I never noticed this before. I was planing on doing a backup of my site and was going to download some index files and images. Does this block you when your downloading a lot of files...
  15. W

    alt smtp server

    Does anyone know if there is another smtp server I can use with my webmail app?.. The outbound mail queue is down on Stoli.x10 and will not send any outgoing email. I was hoping there might be another server within the free hosting machines I could use for sending email using my webmail app on...
  16. W

    queueprocd failed

    I hope they can get to it soon. can't use my webmail to reply to any messages. I opened a support ticket on this issue this afternoon. The avg load on stoli seems much better then berfore. webmail seems to run alot faster on my site and the cpanel is much faster. The reboot or the apache and php...
  17. W

    queueprocd failed status

    Hello -- I just wanted to let you guys know that it seems the outbound mail queue daemon didn't startup after the reboot this morning. I found this status in the contol panel and tested and outbound mail is being delayed. incoming seems to be working. the server is stoli.x10 --Bill
  18. W

    queueprocd failed

    Hey anybody notice that the outbound mail que is down on stoli.x10?.. seems outbound email is not working. I have tested and it seems email is delayed. just incoming is working. I saw this status in the control panel. Wasn't sure where to post this type of message so I just came here. I...
  19. W

    Ham Radio - General Public Info & Entertainment Website.

    Well I found that YouTube has the Star Trek flicks now. its very good video quality. A link has been provided on my site if anyone is looking for it.
  20. W

    New to x10 world

    Yes, godaddy is a good place to register your domain. After you register it just change the NS servers to x10 DNS servers. It updates pretty fast so I don't think you will have any problems with godaddy as far as registering your domain. This is were I registered my domain last year and it works...