Search results

  1. MaestroFX1


    All of them are supported, please check your cpanel :: left column.
  2. MaestroFX1

    No hosting account, and cannot register one either.

    Hello axelsa! To minimize the abuse of x10 servers,those preventive measures were taken.(Proxy/24hr limit). Regarding your main problem, I would suggest you to first check your "spam/trash" folder. If there isn't a mail from x10, then I would suggest you to change your email id(to a...
  3. MaestroFX1

    php nuke 8.1

    $dbhost = localhost $dbuname = cpanelusrname_databaseusrname $dbpass = cpanelusrname_databaseusrname_password $dbname = cpanelusrname_database
  4. MaestroFX1

    Change a letter!

  5. MaestroFX1

    What's the current world record for the longest "Process Wait"?

    Hello! Is your imote tv domain not accessible ?
  6. MaestroFX1

    Error when trying to access host

    Hello there! First,flush your dns records and clear your browse cache. Then try again. Also,I can see your website but with "Couldn't select database" error!
  7. MaestroFX1

    sql system eror

    Hello! Your mcdsirhind website is working fine for me. How/where exactly would you like to be helped ?
  8. MaestroFX1

    Suspension [Email script]

    It is a permanent suspension and your account will be terminated after 14 days.
  9. MaestroFX1


    You have violated TOS by using a nulled script. Your account will remain permanently suspended. Read:
  10. MaestroFX1

    Account Closing

    Please fill this out. --------------------------- cPanel username: ( ) Inserting an X inside the parentheses signifies that I have made all necessary backups of my free hosting account and will not hold x10Hosting responsible for any data I am unable to recover after my free hosting account...
  11. MaestroFX1


    That's a good one! :-)
  12. MaestroFX1

    Need help with Wordpress

    Read this page: This should clear up a lot of things.
  13. MaestroFX1

    suspension of account

    When suspended permanently, no access to your account is granted. It will eventually be terminated.
  14. MaestroFX1

    Website not working for some computers.

    Hello! To begin with, all you can do is to ask them to check your page later. By the way, your website is working fine for me and I can see "Welcome to FloobenShnooben Home!"
  15. MaestroFX1

    Hello Everyone

    Hello Ash! Welcome to x10hosting!
  16. MaestroFX1

    My own CGI allowed?

    Hello! NO you can't use them. CGI and PERL are disabled on free servers. If you would like to use them, then you may consider upgrading to x10 premium service.
  17. MaestroFX1


    Hello! Welcome to x10hosting! You have just created a new account. In all possibility,the name resolving configuration haven't got updated yet. This issue usually gets automatically resolved after server refreshes(updates). So, it should be up in a matter of couple of hours or so...
  18. MaestroFX1


    Hello jackibees55! Welcome to x10hosting!
  19. MaestroFX1

    How do I access cPanel?

    Login using: (Account Management Panel) Click » View Details in the yellow box, you will be presented with "Hosting Account Management". Click "Login to cPanel". Your cpanel username is the lower username in the yellow box.
  20. MaestroFX1

    Suspension because of malicious webpage!

    No, it comes under Zero Tolerance Policy. So, it is a permanent suspension. By the way, you and only you are responsible for your website.