Search results

  1. D

    Suspension for high-usage?

    Did they at least bother to TELL you? Nobody told me that for quite some time, my site's DNS was pointing at the WHOLE WRONG DAMN IP ADDRESS. And, oh, yeah, I too got suspended for resource over-usage... though I have nothing but static html (well, a few bits of javascript) and a few small...
  2. D

    overzealous unadjustable ASSP?

    ASSP has been tagging the vast majority of my inbound email as spam -- even forum reply notifications! The bounce notes have been causing problems, making list hosts such as Yahoo think that my account should not be sent any more email. When I try to read the spam, I get an empty popup box...
  3. D

    Lastest New Updates

    It might not have been what was meant, but I've now got the ASSP icon! Yaaaay! :)
  4. D

    Lastest New Updates

    Does this mean we should be seeing ASSP icons on our panels? I'm still not. :confused:
  5. D

    Good domain registrar?

    So use auto-renew. Or put a reminder on your calendar. Or pounce on multi-year renewal when they have a sale. Sounds like you weren't paying as much attention as an active domain deserves....:sleep:
  6. D

    Good domain registrar?

    I use, but friends of mine have recommended Both of these have (dunno about accepting xfrs), but not .in. -Dave
  7. D

    Updates, including rollbacks \ Apache success

    Aha! Is that why I don't yet have the ASSP icon on my cpanel, which I need so that I can fix my email that's been broken since early November? :happysad:
  8. D

    Adding ASSP to cpanel?

    That's what I thought, but it's getting rather tiresome. I've been unable to receive email on my domains via x10, since early November. Luckily my registrar at least provides basic email reception, with catchalls, but its spam filter is a bit overzealous, plus I really like x10's additional...
  9. D

    Adding ASSP to cpanel?

    Greetings, fellow x10ers! Long story short, I need to get the ASSP icon enabled in my cpanel. I've opened a support ticket that involves that, long ago, but the staff are apparently busy with other problems. So, anybody got any clues how I can do it myself, or if that's plain impossible or...
  10. D

    Flushing your DNS

    Unfortunately, many of us are downstream of a DNS cache we don't have any control over, like at work, or that may be a bit trickier, like a home network router (which I suppose could just be power-cycled if nobody else is on).
  11. D

    Cossacks Transfer

    IOW, "Are we there yet?" ;) Sorry, just had to....
  12. D

    Cossacks Transfer

    Ross- Thanks, but I had already made a support request post. (I've found a workaround for the worst problem, and the others seem to have gone away.) The one here was basically a "supplemental" to the prior one, giving the results of my investigation into the status of the move. -Dave
  13. D

    I too can't receive email

    Tried it from work, which had overnight to let DNS expire. Wasn't working as of about 0800... but is indeed working as of about 0900. Either the stuff that was needed for the full transfer just got finished, or the DNS cache just expired. Sorry, I am not familiar enough with how DNS works to...
  14. D

    I too can't receive email

    I played more with the DNS last night. Have unforwarded from GoDaddy, set the nameservers to x10's, and set up the MX to point to cossacks by name, since that name is apparently still pointing to the old server that works right. Added GoDaddy's SMTP servers as backups Just In Case. I'm...
  15. D

    Cossacks Transfer

    My x10 sites are also down this AM, be it by http to port 80, http to 2082 for cpanel, ftp, or sftp. That's,, and These are all add-ons under, which is also unavailable. I was playing with the first one's DNS a lot...
  16. D

    I too can't receive email

    I too can't receive email. I have catchall (or as cpanel calls it, "default") addresses on three add-on domains (,, and All are set to forward to my gmail account. Nothing is getting through on any of them. Attempts to email from my work account...
  17. D

    Suggestion for USERS: good subject lines!

    Many posts, in this and all the other forums, have subject lines that give us no clue what it's about. Sure, many say "suggestion" or "idea", but we're already in the suggestion forum, so what did we expect, cookie recipes? :nuts: Similarly, if you're over in the "support request" forum, don't...
  18. D

    YANMI (Yet Another New Member Introduction)

    Hi everybody, I'm Dave Aronson, no, not that one, the other one, no not that one, the other other one. :biggrin: I'm hoping to use X10 to host my current domains (see signature, plus as add-ons, learn PHP, improve my perl, and possibly put a few web-apps I've had ideas...