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  1. ace_case

    How to White-list CloudFlare's IP adresses

    The cloudflare option in the cPanel should allow you to have it with a domain.
  2. ace_case

    New Theme

    While the new theme looks very nice, is there a way to use the previous one? I think this theme isn't for me, but great work on it if I like themes like this it would look great! One suggestion though, the big text/logo at the top that says "x10 Community Forums" should probably link to the "x10...
  3. ace_case


    What things were/arebeing changed about it?
  4. ace_case

    Maybe enabling outgoing mysql connections?

    I have to agree with this. I agree that using x10 hosted databases from outside sources should be blocked, accessing outside databases from x10 should not be blocked. Many people, such as RaidRealms up there, need this if they are hosting a game server where it would be impossible to use a...
  5. ace_case

    Can I change my name please?

    I believe an admin will do that for you, assuming you are using the forum account linked to your hosting account.
  6. ace_case

    The server is not autoritary for the domain; ns1.x10hosting

    You will have to wait for an admin to configure it. Both sides expect it to be configured, so an admin must set it up here. As far as I know, there is not much you can do except wait for an admin to see this.
  7. ace_case

    This is an Outrage!
  8. ace_case

    This is an Outrage!

    That sounds a bit like admitting to owning the files on
  9. ace_case

    This is an Outrage!

    I would stop while you are ahead. While an official statement would be good to have, an argument would not. I suspect that you were unbanned because an admin is having a nice day. It seems you have openly admitted to owning the files for the illegal software, which could be a violation of the...
  10. ace_case

    The server is not autoritary for the domain; ns1.x10hosting

    If I am understanding correctly, an admin must properly set up the domain before it will work for certain country codes.
  11. ace_case

    This is an Outrage!

    With this account being unbanned, I would like to request an official statement from the person who unbanned him. With such a controversial subject, it may help in the future. It will also draw a clear line between what is and what isn't allowed.
  12. ace_case


    Ok, thanks! I'll ask around and see what I can find.
  13. ace_case

    X-10, intermittent operation

    This appears to be the site you are looking for:
  14. ace_case


    I am not sure where to put this, but what are some rules and tips for writing a Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Submission Agreement? I wrote the Terms of Service and the Submission Agreement, but I don't they they are good enough yet, so I would like some insight on how to write them.
  15. ace_case

    What's Available?

    Still wondering...
  16. ace_case

    hide name and address

    I would like to mention, that if you are purchasing a domain, your information may appear on the whois. But as said, it should not be visible from the hosting side.
  17. ace_case

    My Account Cancellation did not proceed

    I believe that if you make a request using the forum account linked to your hosting account, an admin will be able to change it.
  18. ace_case

    Currently procrastinating.

    Currently procrastinating.
  19. ace_case

    Mysql error

    Could an admin or someone please turn off the error reporting for my website, I am unable to edit it until a few days from now, and the error contains sensitive information.
  20. ace_case

    Class 'PDO' not found (Vox)

    Must be a vox problem, and not a change, as it still works on Level.