Search results

  1. lostcommander

    Free Stoli-hosted site still down after MySQL updates. Ignore if this is a known issu

    First, I want to apologize if you are already aware of some problem with the free sites as I know x10 has done an incredible amount of work over the past couple weeks and I am sure things will get straitened out with time. Otherwise, I wanted to let you know that my site is still inaccessible...
  2. lostcommander

    Erroneous Account Suspension?

    I have reviewed the error log for that file and there are several instances over the past month (wait, I had visitors!?! maybe just bot crawlers) on 3 lines between 2 files. They are all related to MySQL. If the MySQL server takes longer than usual to respond, does that trigger the 20-second PHP...
  3. lostcommander

    Erroneous Account Suspension?

    Thank you very much for your quick reply and for the log entry. That is one of my pages. I am looking at it now to see what the problem might be. It is a little strange though, since I have not changed any of the pages since last semester.
  4. lostcommander

    Erroneous Account Suspension?

    My account was suspended yesterday for "high system resource usage". I see no signs that this could have been the case. My site is still suffering from a severe lack of traffic, has used almost no bandwidth this month, and has no CRON jobs or any other automated scripts. The virus check said no...
  5. lostcommander

    Dealing with NULL in MySQL Query

    Yup, that gets is. I had not remembered/thought of using INNER JOIN twice, plus the UNION. Makes for a horribly ugly query, but at least it keeps the complication all in one place. Thanks!
  6. lostcommander

    Dealing with NULL in MySQL Query

    Short Version: Is there some way to get a single integer value out of a set of columns when it is known that all but 1 will be null? I have tried simply adding them with +, and SUM, MAX, MIN, etc. all only work with GROUP BY stuff. e.g. (tableB.valueX + tableC.valueY) AS value...
  7. lostcommander

    How to Automatically Update MySQL Data?

    Okay. The cron jobs seem 'nix based, which is something I have very little experience with. In the "command to run", can I simply put a PHP file outside of my www area and target that? e.g. /home/user/folder/file.php
  8. lostcommander

    How to Automatically Update MySQL Data?

    One of the things my site allows users to do is bid in an auction using points. The system works fine, but I have to manually "finish" each auction. After the close time of an auction, I go to an administration page and press a button to generate a transaction (including the final subtraction of...
  9. lostcommander

    Getting '0' results from MySQL COUNT()

    I have a table with a timestamp column. I would like to get the count of the number of rows in the table corresponding to each of the past 7 days. My problem is that I get no row if there are none, instead of {[date], 0}. Can anyone provide me with a clever solution to this? Current MYSQL...
  10. lostcommander

    Positioning and Arrangement using CSS

    I did know that, but a lot of people seem to miss it, so it is worth repeating, thanks. I knew the box model as well, but that 3D CSS box model image confirms it and really helps visualize all the parts of it. That list of CSS resources should come in handy once I have a better idea of what I...
  11. lostcommander

    Positioning and Arrangement using CSS

    Hello. I am relatively new to CSS and am trying to rework my site so all the formatting is in CSS. Currently the page layout is done using tables, but it is not quire working correctly because the widths are not correct. I would like the header/top of the page to be logo, banner over tabbed...
  12. lostcommander

    PHPBB3 User Session Integration

    Doh! I never even considered that. Yeah, if I enable the board then the guest views work as intended. I had disabled them when I first installed it so it would be hidden while I worked on it and other sections. Thanks!
  13. lostcommander

    PHPBB3 User Session Integration

    There is no .htaccess-fu being done anywhere on my small site. No mod_rewrite, no redirects.
  14. lostcommander

    PHPBB3 User Session Integration

    Hello and thank you for reading this! This is REALLY strange to me and I am quite lost at this point as to what might be happening or why. Background: I am trying to integrate MediaWiki, PHPBB3, and some of my own coded pages into a single, unified site, using a single session controller and...
  15. lostcommander

    Upcoming Free Support Changes

    Yeah, the Internet allows you to use it even if you failed to even look for the etiquette rules. Also, some people seem to just really fail at searching. Overall, this sounds like a good change and the user-group and ticket/problem escalation sound like good ideas. Internet confusion triage! :)
  16. lostcommander

    mysql_query(select) result improperly empty

    I am on server Starka. I ran that code and I DO NOT see table vars in PHPMyAdmin afterward. I already tried dropping and recreating the tables and user. Unfortunately, doing the same for the whole database would be too hard as there is other stuff contained in it (PHPBB3, MediaWiki, etc.). One...
  17. lostcommander

    mysql_query(select) result improperly empty

    Okay, I've played around some more and I agree that the problem has to be, as mission stated: I do not think there is a typo as I've tried some Hello World complexity code and still have the same issues. So... what server configuration options do we have on x10? How fine-grain are permissions...
  18. lostcommander

    mysql_query(select) result improperly empty

    Yes, mission, you are correct. That is an artifact of my attempt to strip out the variable names I am actually using while leaving them somewhat sensible. I should have copied it all into notepad or something and mass-replaced each one. I am using a for-loop explicit copying instead of the...
  19. lostcommander

    mysql_query(select) result improperly empty

    You're not the only one relieved to have indented and colored code to look at, rofl. Running the query in PHPMyAdmin yielded: And below were both entries/rows that is should have retrieved, with all the columns it should have, ordered the correct way. My website page/PHP code is still...
  20. lostcommander

    mysql_query(select) result improperly empty

    Well, given how much thought I've given it, I figure it will be something "stupid". However, mysql_numrows(), while not in the current manual, does exist and does return an appropriate value. I'd guess it has been deprecated at some point and so have altered my code to mysql_num_rows()...