Search results

  1. ipswitch8259

    Automatic Suspension

    none.. just banners and links.. I suspect I got automatically suspended when I advertised to a Paid To Surf website, cause I got a 1000 visits in just few seconds.. does that mean I am not allowed to advertise to Paid To Surf Websites?
  2. ipswitch8259

    Automatic Suspension

    Hello.. How come I'm automatically suspended for high resource usage? My site is just a simple blog and their are no other members but my self only.. There are no chat or other scripts that I know of that can cause a high resource usage cause I just installed the script automatically that is...
  3. ipswitch8259


    thanks for fixing anna..
  4. ipswitch8259


    do you mean that I have s0me missing files or misconfigurati0n settings in my Cpanel Account? pls.. what can I do.. cause yesterday I tried several scripts but I get the same errors about my "Mysql".
  5. ipswitch8259


    This is the error.. I cant stablish a connection to Mysql.. I have no Mysql account yet.. Maybe I placed wrong info's.. John.. can you assist me on this, on the "table prefix", I don't know what to put in it.. I can't use any of the featured scripts on my cpanel software services.. I got...
  6. ipswitch8259


    so you basically used the softaculous software service found on the cpanel.. if its not so much to ask, could you ellaborate more on how did you do it.. cause I tried it several times but I get the same error.. to be specific, I wanted to install the "Open Blog" script featured on the softaculous..
  7. ipswitch8259


    I would like to ask if I, a member with free hosting can use the softaculous software service.. Cause I tried to install one of the blog scripts featured on the softaculous but I get the error "could not connect to Mysql"
  8. ipswitch8259

    cant delete x10hosting emails

    I think when you made a new domain name, you did not delete your email from your old domain so now you can't remove/delete your past email accounts.. I think we have the same problem.. I made some email accounts from my first domain ( but when I change my domain to ( I...
  9. ipswitch8259

    About PTC's

    sharky! you can just say "dont put" or "dont ask" about ptc here.. but dont tell me that I'm a stupid guy.. cause if you say that my question is stupid, then automatically its means that I'm a stupid.. I'm just asking that's all.. and dont be all high and mighty with your attitude looking down...
  10. ipswitch8259

    Hello.. If you want to have some extra money for just clicking some few advertisements a day from your home, then you might want to check this out..:redface: ONBUX PTC Standard- ($0.01/click) (4 ads/day and up to 10 extra free ads/day) ($0.005/referral click) Golden- ($0.01/click) (8 ads/day...
  11. ipswitch8259

    About PTC's

    Can I post my direct links to PTC Sites? :biggrin: I haven't seen any mentioned in our FR but I would like to be sure of it..:redface:
  12. ipswitch8259


    I installed their free PacketiX VPN 2.0 and supposedly working now cause I'm already connected to my virtual hub in their server based in japan, but I guess their free experiment for free vpn has already finished.. :biggrin: I uninstalled it already.. I'll just try to find again another free...
  13. ipswitch8259

    about x10

    yup.. that's true.. I found this site when I search in google, "free, best, web hosting"!:biggrin::biggrin:
  14. ipswitch8259


    Did anyone of you tried PacketiX VPN? Iv'e installed PacketiX VPN 2.0 and already created my virtual hub on the server. Iv'e already connected my PacketiX VPN Client Manager and PacketiX VPN Server Manager to my virtual hub, but still my ip address did not change. My ip address is suppose to be...
  15. ipswitch8259

    The Social Network

    But I think its 90% of it is true.. cause they'll be in big problem if its contents is a lil bit far from the truth.. its just an inspiring movie cause he's already in #35 in forbes 400 in just merely 6 years..
  16. ipswitch8259

    The Social Network

    Did someone watch the movie the social network? the movie is really inspiring..:biggrin: specially to us who's online everyday.. I haven't have much interest in facebook before but lately after watching the movie, I became curious and envious to the founder.. lol..:biggrin: man one of the...
  17. ipswitch8259

    x10 banners

    thanks.. ill try and check it..
  18. ipswitch8259

    x10 banners

    where can i get x10 banners for my site? do we have promoter banners available?
  19. ipswitch8259

    website visitor tracker

    thanks.. cause im just a lil bit mixed up on those scripts and ip spoofing mentioned on our TOS..
  20. ipswitch8259

    website visitor tracker

    can i use html or scripts of a website visitor tracker on my site? :confused: