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  1. G

    Beat this...

    My new internet connection :D Anyone can beat it?
  2. G

    My website stopped working

    It seems like there is a problem with the DNS settings of your domain, could you try to use only the nameservers of x10?
  3. G

    A/c suspended, please unsuspend.

    it seems you have no account linked. If you have been inactive for 41 days then your account already were terminated. What was your cPanel username?
  4. G

    setting a default page.

    Call the file you want to be default index.html, or index.php if you are gonna use PHP
  5. G

    Reativating accoint

    It seems you have no account linked. If you have been inactive for more than 41 days then your account were already terminated. What was your cPanel username?
  6. G

    cPanel name

    your cPanel name is tihg
  7. G

    It's because it's under developement and it's Bryon who wrote it. There is no official status page, and the unofficial is highly inaccurate
  8. G

    how to install a pyhon script?

    If it requires shell commands you can't run it, otherwise put it in cgi-bin
  9. G

    even offline

    Your site seems working now, but you are including the files wrong. I think it should be include(config2.php); instead of include(_include-config2.php);
  10. G

    Important Question

    it seems like you have no account. Have you been inactive for more than 41 days? If so, then it's probably already terminated. What was your cPanel username?
  11. G

    Can't login in account panel using forum ID

    You don't seem to have an account linked, what is your cpanel username?
  12. G

    Shell access

    You should instead use a FTP client, like FileZilla
  13. G

    dns flushing

    'ipconfig /flushdns' (without ') in CMD
  14. G

    Suspension Problem

    Escalated to ticket area
  15. G

    Need some assistance "upgrading"

    The paid plans is found at When you have ordered, you have to creat a ticket in the client area asking for the admins to transfer your free account to your paid.
  16. G

    site under examination

    We cannot help you with this as we do not own You have to contact them about it
  17. G

    Website wont load

    it works for me. Try to clear your browsers cache
  18. G

    Hey! Can you enable SSH for me?

    You need a VPS if you want to use SSH. The cheapest VPS is for $9.95/month
  19. G

    What do you know about Captcha Work?

    That they can spam their frauds and hope someone falls for it
  20. G

    What do you know about Captcha Work?

    Ummmm, imo, this site should be banned and the author punished, as they are responsible of most spam registrations on forums. What happens when you write in the captcha is that you register a spam account somewhere for them to use