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  1. G

    Unsuspension link not working

    unfortunately, that account was terminated Nov 5 for being suspended for more than 10 days. you are free to signup again
  2. G

    Geforce 8800 released

    *old topic (newer cards out, no use of discussing), closed*
  3. G

    Game: Team A Vs. Team B

  4. G

    Please activate my account...

    Unfortunately, we cannot unsuspend your account, as we have a zero tolerance policy against nulled scripts.
  5. G

    Switching to ad-enhanced account

    *ads confirmed, upgraded*
  6. G

    Suspension for high resources usage

    I have escalated this so that an admin could tell what's causing it
  7. G

    Lotus.x10 IP Address

    the IP address for lotus is
  8. G

    Please help

    well, say the one runs every midnight on a sunday, then all crons would run at the same time, as it's sunday (00:00), it's midnight(00:00), it's one hour(00:00) (one hour crons usually run on every new hour) and it's 5 minutes(00:00) (5 min crons run every 05, 10, 15 ...... 55, 00). Then when...
  9. G


    I'm sorry for your loss :( . I have unsuspended your account now, please translate your page as soon as you got time
  10. G

    Game: Team A Vs. Team B

  11. G

    Game: Team A Vs. Team B

  12. G

    Game: Team A Vs. Team B

  13. G

    Game: Team A Vs. Team B

  14. G


    As long as it's free software, it would be ok if you link to them
  15. G

    Do you agree to translate your page to english/spanish/french?
  16. G

    Account Suspension

    you were suspended because you never uploaded any site. You need to have a working index page in 1 week from account creation. Do you agree to upload a page?
  17. G

    Username change request

    Unfortunately forum usernames can't be changed, but your hosting account is spelled right already atleast
  18. G

    Please help

    You are only allowed to run 1 cron every 5 minutes. If you have 2 crons, you can't run them at the same time. Do you agree to change your crons?
  19. G


    We have a zero tolerance policy against warez, you will not be unsuspended
  20. G

    Game: Team A Vs. Team B
