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  1. G

    LiveZilla Error 404

    all chat scripts stored on the server is against the ToS, as they use too much resources
  2. G

    Account is Suspended ???

    I have now unsuspended your account. Please translate your page as soon as possible
  3. G

    Max file size upload..

    Upload it trought an FTP client, like FileZilla
  4. G


    You might need to flush your DNS and clear your browsers cache
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  6. G

    Account is Suspended

    you were suspended for warez (Distributing CS 1.6 and CS:S). We have a zero tolerance policy, and your account will remain suspended.
  7. G

    Account is Suspended ???

    it seems like you have no account linked to yuor forum account. What was your cPanel username?
  8. G

    Addon Domain Trouble

    it works both with and without www for me. Try clearing your cache and DNS
  9. G

    My own 404 error page ?

    you can set your own error pages in cPanel, under "error pages"
  10. G

    Suspending my account

    it needs to be english/french/spanish
  11. G

    archive file in image

    It's done now, guys :D You can see the result at
  12. G

    Please unsuspend my account

    *escalated to admin so they can tell you the case of it*
  13. G

    Federal (National) Education Standards [USA]

    In Sweden, every school has a plan to follow, but they can have their own interpretations of goals etc. We start trigonometry in 8th grade here (when you are 14 year old). I believe it's better if every school in the country teaches the same stuff to all students who got that subject, like...
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    it works for me now. Try to clear your browser cache and flush your DNS (ipconfig /flushdns in CMD)
  15. G

    Unsuspend account

    I have now unsuspended you. Please translate your page as soon as possible
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    you need to buy the domain from before you can use it
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    Sorry, we cannot do this
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    how long ago did you create the account? It can take up to 24 hours depending on the size of the queue?
  19. G

    Xbox 360 - Facebook, Twitter, Last.Fm, Zune Movies

    you need gold to use twitter and facebook? bleh...
  20. G

    [62759EEAEEB6] Unsuported Language

    I have now unsuspended your account