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  1. tregtar

    Latest Update 6/14/09 News Thread Response

    I agree Elesarr. It's an amazing job they do. And it it appreciated.
  2. tregtar

    cossacks server is it up?

    I must have completely missed that post. Yikes. Okay thanks. Also it's not just that I was hosted on cossacks. My site is still not up and I cannot log into anything but the forum or to enter a support ticket.
  3. tregtar

    cossacks server is it up?

    I keep all my files backed up offline (learned my lesson years ago LOL). I do hope cossacks comes back up soon. Can't log into anything but the forums and support ticket section right now. I really don't want to bother with a support ticket until it's absolutely necessary since they are...
  4. tregtar

    cPanel Login Problem

    Is there any eta on Server upgrade compeltion? I have not been able to get on the cPanel or my site all day. Thanks.
  5. tregtar

    cossacks server is it up?

    I'm having the exact same issue as shaun166. I was also hosted on cossacks server. Any advice/help would be greatly appreciated.
  6. tregtar

    X10Hosting Uptime Fluctuating

    Experiencing the same thing on Cossacks. This is really the first time in a very long time that I've had trouble. I do hope they can fix it soon.
  7. tregtar

    Suggestions for making money on your site?

    You might also want to check out and Amazon let's you setup something they call an a-store that you can imbed into your site using a frame and LinkShare has you apply for the ability to link to certain stores and you also get credit for any sales made. Good luck.
  8. tregtar

    Aviation Photography - How does my site stack up?

    Beautiful pics. Did you do all the photography? I'll have to show my friend's kid. He's 6 and absolutely loves planes. He's going to love your site. Thanks for sharing.
  9. tregtar

    mail() has been disabled

    I had created a contact web form on my website which was working fine. I noticed today that now I get the following error message: Warning: mail() has been disabled for security reasons in /home/tregtar/public_html/process.php on line 19 What could the problem be? Edit: Well, what ever it...
  10. tregtar

    Website won't load

    Oh how goofy of me, that should have been the first thing I should have looked at. Thank you, I have no idea how to contact the Admins. Edit: It's back up, thanks for all of your help.
  11. tregtar

    Website won't load

    I just updated my website files and now I can't seem to get on the site at all. Am I missing something? The url is: Thanks
  12. tregtar

    Put my banner in your sig and get credits.

    I added the signature. Thank you.
  13. tregtar

    New Forum

    Just want to say the new layout of the forum is gorgeous.
  14. tregtar

    cPanel Login Failure

    i tried the 2nd url and that worked! weird huh. thanks so much!
  15. tregtar

    cPanel Login Failure

    I can't seem to log into my cPanel anymore. I have no trouble logging into the forum or my Account Management Panel. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know what information is needed to resolve this. All I am getting at this time is "Login Attempt Failed" Thanks...
  16. tregtar

    Offer - Corey & ASP

    I would love to learn ASP, but have no idea where to start, since I'd have to learn on my own. Are there any good books you can suggest? (I'd like to be a part of this project, but I don't think I'm qualified.)
  17. tregtar

    member art

    Starshine, Tektrnica, those are great. Keep up the good work.
  18. tregtar

    member art

    Oh gee! Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed them. I've been taking painting lessons for about two years. I was HORRIBLE the first time, but I have been improving. I wish I saved my first painting (I threw it out in disgust) just to remind myself how far I've come. I actually take classes at the...
  19. tregtar

    member art

    Of course it counts, photography is art as well.
  20. tregtar

    member art

    I've been taking painting lessons for a couple of years now, here are some examples of my work...don't be too harsh...i'm a bit sensitive today..:-) These are just a few...hope you enjoy them.