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  1. Z

    cron job

    /usr/bin/php -q /home/USER/public_html/FILE.php
  2. Z

    cannot get ASP.Net to run after folloing "how to get to work at x10hosting

    Re: cannot get ASP.Net to run after folloing "how to get to work at x10hostin Did you make the exactly what the tutorial was making? Because masshuu pointed out an error at
  3. Z

    Every time I post on my forum...the site goes down for a good 8 hours

    At the time of my posting, he didn't have it setup where it just forwarded you to the x10 site, it was acting as a proxy, masking the x10 subdomain. If this works for him he can have it redirect to x10, but it would look better if he added the x10 nameservers and made it his main domain in the...
  4. Z

    Every time I post on my forum...the site goes down for a good 8 hours

    Like I said and will keep saying, you need to set the nameservers to and's forwarder function is glitching, so you must set the nameservers
  5. Z

    Every time I post on my forum...the site goes down for a good 8 hours

    The question is why is he going through a server in Korea.. Edit: Figured it out with the help of jamie on IRC.. He is using the forward function in instead of the nameservers for DNS. You need to set your nameservers to and for this issue to be...
  6. Z load error

    Do you have set as your main domain in the account panel?
  7. Z

    Every time I post on my forum...the site goes down for a good 8 hours

    Yes. It works just fine. As I said, I see no issues. If it stops working for you then please post an error message that you receive.
  8. Z load error

    Did you park it on your account either in the account panel or in cPanel?
  9. Z

    lotus status update on please

    Last night at ~ 1 AM EST Corey said it was 1/3 complete.. I'm guessing it's about 1/2 now..
  10. Z

    Every time I post on my forum...the site goes down for a good 8 hours

    I see no issues.. Created an account and tested it out for you.. It's a bit slow, but other than that I have no issues accessing it.. Demo account: Username:iamatestaccount password:testing
  11. Z

    Suspension - need to raise ticket

    Your account was suspended to protect your files during a server move. The server move is complete, but the files are still being restored. You will need to wait until all the accounts are restored on the new server before you can access your account. Keep up to date on the latest status updates...
  12. Z

    addon domain not working.plz help

    Hello, you are currently on the server boru. This server is not having any server moves, so disregard what webmastery97 has said. This seems to be a dns issue with your account.
  13. Z

    Unable to login cpanel

    Try changing your password from the account panel and let me know if this rectifies the issue.
  14. Z

    site down

    Cossacks has been laid to rest because the server move is complete. The files are still being restored. You will need to wait until the accounts are restored on the new server before you can access your account. There is no estimate on when it will be complete, but I can tell you about half of...
  15. Z

    Unable to login cpanel

    Have you tried changing your password or logging into cPanel from the account panel (Click login to cPanel from your hosting account summary page)?
  16. Z

    Activation Email sent to Junk Folder

    Make sure the from address is mailed from an account hosted at the server.. If the domain is and your forum email you it should come from Make sure you also either have a mail account for that user setup or that the mail account is forwarding to another...
  17. Z

    PHP error report script - PDO::prepare not working

    I don't think so.. If your saying your using ajax to include a php page that includes variables from the page your including it from..
  18. Z

    Site down, files missing

    The server your account is on is encountering a server move. The server move is complete, but the files are still being restored. You will need to wait until the accounts are restored on the new server before you can access your account. Keep up to date on the latest status updates at...
  19. Z

    reactivate my account

    The server move is complete, but the files are still being restored. You will need to wait until the accounts are restored on the new server before you can access your account. Keep up to date on the latest status updates at
  20. Z

    Unable to login cpanel

    Your webpage loads fine for me. Make sure you are using the correct username and password.