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  1. Z

    Urgent Help Please...

    Hello, your account was transferred to a new server. To prevent changes to your account during the move, your account was suspended. The new server is not up yet, but keep up to date on the latest status updates at
  2. Z

    Addon domain offline - request help pls!

    Have you tried deleting the addon domain and readding it? If you have and that doesn't solve the issue, then this support request needs to be escalated to staff.
  3. Z

    Site down and can't access my CPanel

    Lotus accounts have been transferred to a new server. Keep up to date on the latest status updates at
  4. Z

    Google sites, Godaddy and x10hosting

    Like I said, DNS takes 24-48 hours to propagate fully.
  5. Z

    x10hosting free account suspended
  6. Z


    No problem. I'm glad I was able to help fix your issue.
  7. Z

    Custom domain name points to x10hosting home page not my own home page

    The domain was probably not parked correctly. Have you tried changing it back to and then to again? If you have and it hasn't solved your issue, this probably needs to be escalated to the administrators.
  8. Z

    I have updated my site but doesn't show any pictures...

    Please make sure you are uploading to the public_html folder.
  9. Z

    Moved to new server

    It has not been completed yet, and once it is complete, your same username and password should be used to login and manage your website.
  10. Z


    fix your RewriteBase/ to RewriteBase / (with a space in between)
  11. Z

    Account Suspended

    Try logging into cPanel at or ftp at
  12. Z


    Move the "RewriteBase /" below the "RewriteEngine On" and it should solve the issue. Let me know if it works.
  13. Z

    Account Suspended You will gain access when the accounts transferred are restored onto the new server. You can always see the latest status updates at
  14. Z

    Google sites, Godaddy and x10hosting

    DNS takes 24-48 hours to fully propagate. So by tomorrow you shouldn't have an issue visiting your website.
  15. Z

    change of domain

    No problem. Glad I could help.
  16. Z

    change of domain

    This is because the script that is forwarding you to /welcome/ is still pointing it to the subdomain. Check your .htaccess file.
  17. Z


    For some reason the script is calling /usr/local/apache/htdocs/home/uploads/wpclassifieds/2010/06/10/1715-1.jpg instead of /home/lankatr/public_html/uploads/wpclassifieds/2010/06/10/1715-1.jpg like it should be. Check the mod's configuration in the wp-admin panel.
  18. Z

    Hosting Suspension : website misconfiguration, showing default cpanel page.

    I agree that the page shown is not a good message to visitors, but when massive amounts of accounts are being transferred to a new server, what do you expect..
  19. Z

    Hosting Suspension : website misconfiguration, showing default cpanel page.

    Due to issues on cossacks and lotus, the admins have had to move accounts to a new server. You should ignore this because your account is already on the new server but it won't be fully operational until the server move is complete. Check to stay up to date on the...
  20. Z

    tranfered to other server and account is offline

    Your account was transferred to a new server, but that server will not be available until the entire server move is complete. Check out for the latest status updates.