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  1. Z

    Unsuspension not working - high system resource usage

    Well the next time it suspends you then post here and an admin can obtain the logs of what caused the error. The logs don't always show exactly what caused it, because it just give the file name. So if there was an include in index.php and index.php set it off, then index.php is recorded in the...
  2. Z

    Urgent Help Please...

    The old server is down, and on the new server your files have not been restored yet. You wont be able to see your files until your account is restored. Stay up to date with the latest status updates at
  3. Z

    Webmail Issues

    No problem. Glad I could help. Feel free to create another ticket if you have anymore webmail issues.
  4. Z

    Site is down

    I am able to access that site fine. I see no issue.
  5. Z

    xivetek.x10hosting is down

    It's not down, that's the problem. You said you changed it to, which goes to a misconfiguration page.
  6. Z

    Website Gone

    Are you still having this issue? Because your website is loading fine for me.
  7. Z

    My web site

    Fris is your new home, the server you were transferred to from lotus. It is not fully up yet, and accounts are still being restored. Keep up to date with the latest status updates at
  8. Z

    my account moved to new server but is still suspended

    The new server is still not up. The accounts are being restored. When this is finished, your account suspension will be removed, and you will be able to access your files and website. Keep up to date with the latest status updates at
  9. Z


    Please read this: Also note that the accounts are moved, but are still being restored. Keep up to date with the latest status updates at
  10. Z

    Account Suspended

    Please read this: Also note that the accounts are moved, but are still being restored. Keep up to date with the latest status updates at
  11. Z

    cannot get ASP.Net to run after folloing "how to get to work at x10hosting

    Re: cannot get ASP.Net to run after folloing "how to get to work at x10hostin Well since the servers use mono, it might make a difference. I don't code so I'm not sure..
  12. Z

    Can't do the backup! -.-

    No, your files haven't been restored yet from the server move. When your files are restored you should be able to access your website and files. Keep up with the latest status updates at
  13. Z

    Please help to fix this problem

    Please read this: Also note that the accounts are moved, but are still being restored. Keep up to date with the latest status updates at
  14. Z

    Webmail Issues

    Have you tried emailing yourself from your hotmail to that address to see if if shows in squirrel mail?
  15. Z

    lotus ? is it having problems again?

    It was 1/3 complete 14 hours ago, so I'm assuming it's about 2/3 complete by now.
  16. Z

    Its been six days now and no website!

    The restoration process is about 2/3 complete on the new server (guessing from a staff estimate of 1/3 14 hours ago). It shouldn't be too much longer. Sorry for any inconveniences this has caused.
  17. Z

    suspension help

    Please read here: And remember to periodically check the updates at
  18. Z

    cron job

    No problem. Glad I could help.
  19. Z

    Webmail Issues

    Try making the From line this: $headers .= ""; Change the email to one you have setup on the server. It shouldn't go into junk anymore, since it's sent from a valid domain residing at the server it came from. If this doesn't work, I'll see what the staff can do.
  20. Z

    Moving a phpbb3 forum

    Actually its very simple to move.. You just need to create a zip of the forums in the cPanel file manager and a sql backup from phpmyadmin. Edit: Decided to spend some time detailing it.. Step One: 1. Login to cPanel. 2. Go to File Manager. 3. Go to your forums directory. 4. Select all files...