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  1. dbantner

    Crappy 10 minute site

    For 10 mins not bad. I like the look, it loads fast, colors are not hard on the eys, the page is not a mile long, overall good design for that quick!
  2. dbantner

    help me

    Man I'm glad you deciphered what he was saying, cuz I was lost :)
  3. dbantner

    New adobe cs5 has launched!!!!

    I agree you need to use an app, but c'mon, I mean an app can only take you so far. You need creativity and skill to put into an app like Photoshop. I know guys that use GIMP, and honestly, their stuff looks just as good if not better in some cases than Photoshop. It takes a while to get used to...
  4. dbantner

    Virtual Land?

    Well the idea behind it i simple, a place just to hang out in cyberspace. But you can take SL further and create your own things, put some scripts behind them so they do stuff, and sell them. And you can make money. I've read lot's of stories of that. Personally I like Planet Calypso. So much...
  5. dbantner

    Cool site to get paid for playing games A great site to make that cash you need for WoW, Gaia Online, Second Life, Planet Calypso (Project Entropia), Habbo, and more. Plus you can just score points and trade them in for great prizes like iPads, mp3 Players, Game Cash Cards, XBox 360, PS3, and more!!! You can either Play...
  6. dbantner

    Virtual Land?

    Is anyone interested in Virtual Land Ownership? I know this topic has been out of the news recently, but I thought I would bring it back up. What games do you know about that either offer virtual land for free or sell it? I know there are a few, like: Planet Calypso Gaia Online Second Life
  7. dbantner

    Domain setup DNS - my own domain

    The easiest way is to just forward your domain to the x10hosting domain. and then hide the redirect address. That's what I had to do for mine and I used Godaddy as my registar.
  8. dbantner

    can anybody help me to find a best softwear for logo making

    Well if you don't feel like paying for software you could always use inkscape. It's a free vector graphics tool, like Illustrator or CorelDraw. It's very good, and best of all it's free. Then is you want to manip the end result in anyway like in photoshop, you could always...
  9. dbantner

    Please Delete My Account...

    I had to check my spam folder. It came into there. Did you check yours?
  10. dbantner

    It appears that we are having some slight difficulties

    Did you guys read this?
  11. dbantner

    MySQL Error

    Yeah not just you. Seems like everyone with free hosting is having the same issues. Guess it's just a waiting game now...
  12. dbantner

    Domain redirect

    I found it, under domain forwarding, there was an option to mask the forwarded url. Cooool!
  13. dbantner

    Domain redirect

    Ok, so I have a domain registered through SO somewhere on godaddy, under my account and domain controls there is a 'Hide URL' feature. Would you mind directing me as to where I might find it. Because I've been on there for 30 mins now and cant find it.
  14. dbantner

    Domain redirect

    No I did not. SO you are saying that the hide url is a feature that come from my domain registar, like godaddy?
  15. dbantner

    Domain redirect

    While the parked domain works fine, following your directions, I am still unsure as to how to hide the redirected url path. For instance, if I owned and redirected to the free hosting here on x10, when I type I show this url in the address bar...