If I upgrade to premium, I can only have access to 1 database???
Without a lot of members to suck up all the extra bandwidth, it's pointless. And I very rarely need to send a support ticket...
If I upgrade to "advanced", I will end up spending (in just 2 months time) the same amount of money that it would cost for all of the same features and guarantees for a LIFETIME, with a 1-time $20 fee, at my previous hosting.
I'd really like to upgrade so that I don't have any problems with Dolphin, but the packages seem quite lacking. I'm an interested buyer, if someone could convince me that it's a good deal...
Without a lot of members to suck up all the extra bandwidth, it's pointless. And I very rarely need to send a support ticket...
If I upgrade to "advanced", I will end up spending (in just 2 months time) the same amount of money that it would cost for all of the same features and guarantees for a LIFETIME, with a 1-time $20 fee, at my previous hosting.
I'd really like to upgrade so that I don't have any problems with Dolphin, but the packages seem quite lacking. I'm an interested buyer, if someone could convince me that it's a good deal...