WordPress would have to be better as they allow you to download their software and place it on your own web hosting/server. Blogger is a service by Google that is free but is limited in what you can do with it.
I think he was refering to wordpress.com not wordpress.org . Wordpress.com is the official wordpress blog while wordpress.org is the open source counter part server side blogging softwre. In otherwords wordpress.com is essentially the same as blogger.com in concept, you go, sign up for a page, and viola you have your own blog. But there are a few limitations, specifically found in the editing of CSS files etc. But since you are on these forums I am assuming you have your own hosting, so I would look at wordpress.org. For that, just download the software and then install it on your hosting account. There are tons of free plugins, you can write your own plugins, and you can custom build your own templates. Plus the free support of using your own domain, and not having annyoing wordpress.com ads all over your page. For an example of a wordpress.org blog, you can look at two of my custom built templates at
http://www.creepyeyestudios.com/religion/wordpress (please do ignore the content as it is for a project at school) and over at
http://www.creepyeyestudios (hehehehe I had to get a plug in here somewhere). Anyway you could also go with something a little bit more rudimentary and use simple html and css to build your own "blog" (I'm guessing you dont have too much php/mysql knowledge, which is essential to build a real blog). You could essentially use divisions and borders to create separte chunks of texts. Is it elegante as far as code and ease of use? Not really. Does it give the same effect as a real blog? pretty much. I have also set one of these up for a band who just wanted a simple way to post news updates over at
http://www.meltingpointband.com Anyway good luck with your blog.-Agenator
(P.M. me when its up so I can read it, if its for public consumption that is)