Due to my fore thought I mailed a package with convincing evidence of alexandgruntz killing spree to a friend. You know one of those friends that you only know 'cause its saffer than not. When he finds out you took me out he feindishly plots your demise. As I am dead and gone I acctually don't know how he offed you.
F'n virus, kills no one but me Due to this I have to take blood samples from you all (with the same needle), in doing this I cross contaminate your bloods and a new super virus is formed It hunts out people without the F in thier names. Upon finding a target, the virus force's F's on the host. F's all over the F'n place. So mattura is turned into fmaftafrfu.
Due to my dyslexic immunity, I can't be hurt by the missing letters 'cause I get them all messed up anyways.
In true Halo style I tag you with a plasma grenade and jump over your head, landing behind some barrels I turn jusst in time to see that lovely blue explosion and your dead body being flung rag doll style across the arena.