Global Warming


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Well, first off I'd have to say that whether or not global warming exists and whether or not we're causing it is a moot point. After all, the world is scheduled to end December 21st, 2012. But if the Mayans are wrong... well, they're not. I've been to the future. Very depressing place, really.

On topic now.
I'm still not convinced of human-caused shift in global climates. When I was in Middle School, my school did this whole week of crazy, leftist propaganda telling us eating meat is wrong, fur is murder, gun-owners are evil, nuclear power (although safe) is bad, violence has no place on TV (except for the news...), and we should feel guilty for being white. The whole event culminated around a day of telling us that out Mommy's and Daddy's cars were going to cause the ice caps to melt and Florida to sink into the waves. That day even featured the infamous "Hockey Stick" graph, or at least one of its cousins. How they got away with this in a red state I will never know.
That winter was an especially cold, snowy one thanks to some peculiar El Nino patterns. Come spring, we were told that the harsh winter, featuring almost an entire month of snowdays and record setting cold temps (and earning me over the $1000 in snow shoveling revenue that bought me my first car that fall) was a result of global warming. Huh. Hotter temperatures made winter colder? Really?
Since then, my home region has been suffering on and off drought. Global warming? So they tell me, but a little research soon reveled that these on and off drought had been going on for centuries.

So much of the famous global warming research works on flawed premises. The "Hockey Stick" graph ended getting debunked accidentally by a guy who was trying to replicate the results. Turns out that a lot of data used was inaccurate, or based on flawed method, and that the model was constructed in such a way that it artificially inflated some numbers over others. Many current models don't properly take into effect considerations like the "Urban heat island effect" either. Cities are warmer than open country. Millions of tins of concrete, steel, and asphalt retain heat better than ground covered in grass or trees. As our cities and communities have grown, many rural weather monitoring stations have found themselves in suburban areas and cities, so they read higher temperatures. In addition, modernization of weather station equipment over the last few decades has led to more accurate temperature reading at more times throughout the day, which, compared to a few thermometer readings at dawn, noon and dusk, will create an artificial statistical heating trend.
Al Gore mentioned, in An Inconvenient Truth, and utter lack of articles refuting the global warming theory, yet I own two books featuring both pro and con articles, many of the articles written within the last decade.
It is true that as the issue progresses, less articles refuting the global warming theory are presented, but you must also realize that humans tend to be willing to do anything to avoid becoming socially ostracized, and, because scientists who don't force their research and conclusions to fit the current popular theory often get their funding pulled, many articles are written that end up never seeing the ink of a printing press. You never hear about the glaciers that are growing, do you? Some of them are... Of course, global warming is probably the culprit. (The glaciers are getting a head start on the ice that will be hot on the heels of, or rather cold on the heels of, the global warming's peak.

In addition to all of this, there is geological evidence to indicate that this is not the first, and probably won't be the last, time that global climate changes have occurred. The Great Plains of North America used to be a tropical sea, but now it's all semi-arid prairie. Global warming? Yes. A few million years ago. People also point to the increased aridization of land as evidence of global warming. Of course, if you cut down all the trees and plants in an are with little ground water (regardless of precipitation), the ground will become arid because the plants held what little moisture that was in the soil in the soil. People forget, too, that some areas featuring manmade forest have become less arid, and that areas subject to high irrigation (or even high lawn watering) have become less arid. Because Arizonans want green lawns, Arizona has become, and this shocked me when I first read this, less arid than it was 100 years ago.

Is the climate changing? Yes. Is that abnormal? No. Are we accelerating it? Possibly, but it's vain to think we're causing it.

That said, I ride a bicycle to work when weather allows, try to carpool when it doesn't, I have energy efficient CFL bulbs in all my light fixtures, I set my thermostat lower in the winter and higher in the summer. I bet my behavior seems out of tune with everything I just said, huh? Not at all. I'm into resource conservation and lower bills. My electricity bill is about 30% lower than most of my friends' bills and I spend half as much on gas as they do, and the electricity thing has nothing to do with resource conservation! I jsut like paying smaller bills! We have, in the U.S., enough coal to provide electricity for my lifetime, my children's lifetime, and possibly even their children's lifetime in our nation. Even now, our energy productions trends show a huge shift back to using coal to generate electricity. About half of the U.S.'s electricity is coal produced as it is.

I'd get started with the cons of most of our current alternative energy sources, but i think that debate deserves its own thread.

Well, that's my rant- take it or leave it.

For anyone wondering about the people who say the things I say.... :cool: I am a white, conservative Republican, Protestant, High School graduate with two Associates Degrees, male born and raised in rural America (except for about seven total years of my life spent in far-off, exciting lands in Europe and, more recently, Asia) between the ages of twenty and thirty. If you disagree with my opinion, that information right there is enough for any educated person to scoff at me and dismiss my ravings as uneducated, uninformed, and generally boring. :biggrin:

This has been fun. Usually when I try to talk about this topic, I get verbally assaulted and treated like I eat babies as soon as I voice my dissent. ^_^

Peace out, everyone.

Edit: Geez, I wrote an article so long it got a new page! I had no idea I was so opinionated on thsi topic!
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I believe that global warming is a real threat and that it's our responsibility to do something about it before it's too late. I'm probably a lot younger than you guys, 13, and so I know that it'll effect me more than it''s effect you guys. I realize that a lot of people are trying to reduce the Co2 output but I really don't think it's enough. You know what we should do? We should ride our bicycles to work like a clown with dietary concerns, hahaha GTA:VC. This would help a lot. I mean, if I was declared omnipotent I'd ban all cars until a model is invented that either creates no Co2 output or breaks down/recycles the output into oxygen, or whatever. That's ma opinion so go eat an onion, it's supposed to rhyme :sad:


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It is most defiantly a natural cycle. To believe that we have complete control of our climate is ludicrous. However, to believe that we have no impact on our environment is just as ludicrous.

I saw an episode on the discovery channel regarding controlling temperatures and subsequently how to control hurricanes. I found it to be one of the funniest shows I have seen. There is no way to control the path or intensity of a hurricane. I get their point that if we put huge amounts of cold air into the hurricane it will die down but how much liquid nitrogen will it take to shut down a hurricane? What will the bill be to produce that much nitrogen? What if you have more than 1 major hurricane?

Besides being funny there was no real data to support that it actually works. Just like the global warming argument. There is no data to support that we are the cause of temperature change.

I live in South Carolina, and it was said that Columbia (our state capital) was once beach front property, now being in the middle of the state, it would allow for one to believe that water froze and the water line receded to it current location. So if the ice melts again Columbia would again be beachfront property and a cycle of climate changes would be proven. But leave it to gullible people around the world to believe the always-fallible media and scientists with no verifiable facts.
Voice said:
After all, the world is scheduled to end December 21st, 2012. But if the Mayans are wrong... well, they're not. I've been to the future. Very depressing place, really.

Really? The Future? You went 5 years into the future (as the world ends in 5 years, you couldn't go any farther)?:nuts:

Man I wonder what can go wrong in the 5 more years we have left. I guess we better hurry up on this global warming thing. :biggrin:
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Nah, we can't stop climate change. At the rate we are burning fossil fuels and damaging the ozone layer we are making climate change a reality everyday. And Global warming is a reality we have to face too. The Sun is gonna keep getting hotter and hotter until the heat cooks us literally (having poor ozone layer will cook us faster).

All of us are gonna croak at one point. But at least when you die and go to heaven. You can tell God you had an X10Hosting account. Lol


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Really? The Future? You went 5 years into the future (as the world ends in 5 years, you couldn't go any farther)?:nuts:

Man I wonder what can go wrong in the 5 more years we have left. I guess we better hurry up on this global warming thing. :biggrin:

Okay, so maybe I haven't been to the future... yet. I'll get around to it an a few years.


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I realize that a lot of people are trying to reduce the Co2 output but I really don't think it's enough. You know what we should do?

I thought cars produce carbon monoxide not carbon dioxide ? am i true ?


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i believe in global warming, Its crazy how from one time to another it can be 110 F outside and a week later it can be 40 F, its just not right. Here in california, its pretty rare, well it was rare to get 80 F temps at this time, two days ago it was that hot here and damn, it just sucks.

People are ignorant if they say that we are not contributing to global warming. We create soo much smog and bad fumes, don't you think that CO2 isn't doing anything to our planet? Please, we might not have created GW, but we sure did contribute.


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i believe in global warming, Its crazy how from one time to another it can be 110 F outside and a week later it can be 40 F, its just not right.

It's not right, but it happens. And it happened long before "Global Warming". In the Midwest it was once documented that over a single day, the temperature peaked out in the 80s one afternoon, and then over the course of an hour, dropped down so low frost that frost formed, then over the next few hours, the temps climbed back into the 60s. This was, if i recall correctly, back int eh 30s or 40s, when factories were not so nearly as many as they are today and cars were still somewhat scarce. It's not a product of global climate change, it's a product of weather. In this case, it's likely that the jet stream took a sudden jog south, pulling cold Canadian air down with it. Growing up in the rural Midwest, I can recall several occasions where this occurred and the temperature dropped over 20 degrees in an hour or two! This has happened for centuries!
People try to blame every shift in weather, every tropical depression or hurricane, every tornado on global warming, but the fact of the matter is that these things happened before "Global Warming" and the so-called global climate change has neither made them happen more frequently nor has it made them happen with greater intensity. Even if statistics would disagree on me with this point, I would have to argue that greater and more global abilities for scientific observation have artificially skewed the statistics, as we are now more aware of more storms and can better understand how powerful they really are!
It's like if you had a sunburn for the first time ever and didn't know what it was, and neither did anyone else. Your skin would be red, but otherwise look more or less normal. Then, skin starts to flake off and peel off. Oh no! It got worse! Nope, it healed and the damaged tissue, after being replaced with new, healthy tissue, fell off. In the past, we saw the red skin (crazy climate) time has gone by and now the skin is peeling (greater scientific observation making it look like its gotten worse), but int eh future, maybe we'll find out it was just healing (future advancements showing us everything is okay. That's just how it happens.).

Admittedly, that was the worst analogy I have ever made. Oh well.


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Hi i think industrial development has increased the global warming to a large extent and this may lead to the extinction of human race
increased level of co2 causes increased temperature which causes melting of ice and this may cause floods
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Hi i think industrial development has increased the global warming to a large extent and this may lead to the extinction of human race
increased level of co2 causes increased temperature which causes melting of ice and this may cause floods

While we are led to believe this may be true, I have to insist the evidence is hazy at best. Many temperature graphs show a pre-industrial revolution temperature spike followed by a period of cooling that happened during and after the industrial revolution. If factories make temperatures rise, where's the sense in those figure?

As far as the polar ice caps melting, we are told that every year glaciers and the ice caps are melting, but I've yet to hear of even one island disappear under the waves. come to that, I've yet to even hear of any islands finding that the inland has suddenly become beach-front property. If this was happening, I'm pretty sure that every single mention of Global Warming and global Clime Change would be caveatted with "And don't forget all those people in life rafts after Global Warming made the Island of Loddabul disappear".

I'm just saying...
I thought cars produce carbon monoxide not carbon dioxide ? am i true ?

You are true, in that yes, indeed, that is what you thought; speaking in terms of chemistry, however, you are, shall we say, half true. ^_^

Although cars produce a lot of carbon dioxide, as carbon, C, is joined with oxygen, O2, producing CO2, (This is tough without an obvious sub-script feature, by the way...) but cars also produce smaller amounts of CO, or carbon monoxide.
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i dont think we can stop it now theyve invented all this amazing stuff planes cars and things so there not going to scrap everything :D


Retired staff <i> (11-12-2008)</I>
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Think about it though, we had snow! (UK, snow in november, it hasnt happened for a LOOOONG time), so if the world is heating up, then the UK is severely screwed.


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It does exist but will never be solved due to the fact Bush is stupid and likes to pretend it doesn't exist, even though nearly every scientist in the world tells us it's real. It cannot be solved without American involvement.

Think about it though, we had snow! (UK, snow in november, it hasnt happened for a LOOOONG time), so if the world is heating up, then the UK is severely screwed.
Actually the UK is basically the only place to get colder due to global warming, due to the disruption in the Gulf Stream.
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If it is CO2 that is causing global warming then things like live earth are pointless as the concerts use tens of thousands of watts of power and they were broadcast therefore TV's and PC's were used to watch it, also people would have get there using cars and trains etc. And all that just to "raise awareness of global warming" something everyone already knew about.


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It is happening and we are causing it. Has anyone the the movie 'an inconvinient truth'?

I wouldn't put any trust into that movie. Instead of listening to this, we should turn our attention to objective scientists who haven't been politicized OR funded by the government. It has become all too easy to sway public opinion through scientists, since we're all brought up to believe that they can't lie. Well, surprise, scientists can lie.



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i heard some where that we have to slowly decrease the global warming causing agents mainly co2 but if the the agents amount is decreased suddenly to a great extent it may have some adverse effects
without the involvement of all nations global warming cannot be reduced there came many changes in the gadgets to decrease the amount freons they release


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i heard some where that we have to slowly decrease the global warming causing agents mainly co2 but if the the agents amount is decreased suddenly to a great extent it may have some adverse effects
without the involvement of all nations global warming cannot be reduced there came many changes in the gadgets to decrease the amount freons they release

Well, the lack of punctuation is alarming, but I got the gist of it. ^__^;

You're right in saying that if levels of greenhouse gases suddenly drop, we're in for trouble. Greenhouse gases are vital to the continuance of human life. Without a greenhouse gas heavy atmosphere, the planet's surfac e would bake when it faced the sun and freeze when it faced away.

You make a good point in mentioning that there have been excellent international collaborations to reduce different type of emissions form products. CFCs, chlorofluorocarbons, being greatly restricted for use as an aerosol propellant was an excellent example. Of course, that was to reduce the amount of damage being done on the ozone layer, a case I find to be as dubious as Global Climate Change.



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While we are led to believe this may be true, I have to insist the evidence is hazy at best. Many temperature graphs show a pre-industrial revolution temperature spike followed by a period of cooling that happened during and after the industrial revolution. If factories make temperatures rise, where's the sense in those figure?

As far as the polar ice caps melting, we are told that every year glaciers and the ice caps are melting, but I've yet to hear of even one island disappear under the waves. come to that, I've yet to even hear of any islands finding that the inland has suddenly become beach-front property. If this was happening, I'm pretty sure that every single mention of Global Warming and global Clime Change would be caveatted with "And don't forget all those people in life rafts after Global Warming made the Island of Loddabul disappear".

I'm just saying...

You are true, in that yes, indeed, that is what you thought; speaking in terms of chemistry, however, you are, shall we say, half true. ^_^

Although cars produce a lot of carbon dioxide, as carbon, C, is joined with oxygen, O2, producing CO2, (This is tough without an obvious sub-script feature, by the way...) but cars also produce smaller amounts of CO, or carbon monoxide.
well i am not aware of those temperature graphs
and upto my knowledge there are lot things that occur beyond science
and i am sure that i have read that in himalayas the rate of melting in these past 2 yrs is much greater than the normal rate
and if there is not much danger why are those protocols made in uno to lower down the green house gases to a past value
upto my knowledge increase in co2 will eventually increase temp
and for the temparature graphs we have to take up the situations in those years too we should take into account the volcanic eruptions any accidents in that occured in the earth besides the industries


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Well i have my own opinion and a good friend of mine gave me theirs too...
Mine)personaly i dont think global warming is real. i think that it is just a scap by scientists to cheat the government out of its money. i mean it doesnt feel warmer does it?!? Its just the Bush administration trying to make it look like theyre doing something
My Friends)Global warming is real it happens every year,
then its global cooling in 6 months

and besides even if it is real we will all be dead before it effects us.