Latest update news thread response: 6/22/09

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jsto17 seems to have been dealing with tickets for the past week now.

I don't know if it's something that he has been doing wrong (perhaps bumping them to the bottom of the queue again, or perhaps not noticing that they've been closed & not realising that he should re-open them).

But it does sound like he's had more than his fair share of down time. If Support staff can't deal with this work load, is it possible to take a few more volunteers on to help out during these troubled times?

You could just train them up to do one specific job, like re-linking accounts, then even if you can't find any all-round experts, you should get plenty of people who are capable of helping in limited roles. There seem to be quite a few people here offering their time.

It's not an ideal suggestion, I know. But sometimes one has to compromise. :)

Before I end, I'd just like to say my own thank you to all the staff who have been working so hard behind the scenes. Corey is the obvious person, but it would be nice to know a few of the other people who are going unnoticed.

I've seen the staff list, so I assume it is these people. But there may be other people who have mucked in with help, or maybe some on the list haven't been so active in the recent server-related events.

And an especially big thank you to LadyAnna, who so bravely joined the team right at the start of the deluge. It really has been a baptism of fire for you - so well done, and Thank You!

down time my website has been down from 6/17/09 with Status-code of 400 no ftp loging on to the server gets your account is not associated with x10Hosting and have had a ticket submited from the 06/19/2009
and still nuthing i feel like im going :nuts: but what more can i do but go more :nuts: i prob can do more :rant2:but im just geting board of it now :(( ZZZzzz...


New Member
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jsto17 seems to have been dealing with tickets for the past week now.

I don't know if it's something that he has been doing wrong (perhaps bumping them to the bottom of the queue again, or perhaps not noticing that they've been closed & not realising that he should re-open them).

I have not bumped my ticket even once, Corey said bumping posts was the devil. I will try and alter my post from On Hold to Open...if you can even do that. But why am I even having to do that. Clearly my ticket should't have been put on hold in the first place.

Damn you Sayid, wherever you are! lol
down time my website has been down from 6/17/09 with Status-code of 400 no ftp loging on to the server gets your account is not associated with x10Hosting and have had a ticket submited from the 06/19/2009
and still nuthing i feel like im going :nuts: but what more can i do but go more :nuts: i prob can do more :rant2:but im just geting board of it now :(( ZZZzzz...

You and I my friend are in the EXACT same boat.

I've got a first class cabin though, and you're probably second class or lower cus lets face it, i'm more than likely a better person than you are.....

Haha, just messin, this downtime is getting to me, as i'm sure it is you.

But yeah like I was saying, same boat, same boat.
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Is it possible that my account was accidently suspended by x10 somehow during these changes?

yes in my view this would be posible, i got suspended too and had to go to just the right account panel to be able to request the first of three unsusp. requests

i can not imagine me causing high resource and it s been a long time since i was suspended for no good reason (happened t me before though), i hope this is not the beginning of a new series like that.

it did however cost me my first auto unsuspend... not sure how bad that is..what i am sure about is that it s a pain to have to stop working in the middle on what i was working on when this happened (phpbb smilies) and loosing track until this is resolved (wich i hope will be soon)

Taha you might want to check this one...

i do realize that staff is doing what they can and wish them luck and wisdom
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Reaction score
Thats were i went though. All it said was details are on the susepension page or something like that.

____ Edit____
Woops missed the link on the bottom lol but not sure if i should because my account is likley to get terminated on 3 so as long as it remains at 1 I can unsuspend at any moment Since changes arent finished its likely to reach 2 quickly.

Yeah its says high resources as well.. Retarded computers these days, just got give em a good ol betin, is wat is say!
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New Member
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on the right there should be the link to view susp. report have you checked that?
on three you would need to create a support ticket instead of an auto request i think, and my guess is that someone will look into it a little better, if you have nothing to hide there should be no reason to terminate anything on any number of suspensions in my humble opinion ;-)

edit: PS.... keep in mind that you do not want to wait more than 14 days
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New Member
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I see in the posts above that some ppl where suspended. Same happend to me and the suspension report says I am using to much resources. I have installed 2 applications, PhPBB3 and TIKIWIKI. And to my knowledge, i don't have any cron's running, but am I overlooking something?
I use less then 10% of the alotted bandwith, I do not have a lot of users (less 100). If any1 has any tips plz let me know.

website =
server = lotus


Reaction score
Yea lotus is doing that, its seems to be always lotus. Anyways i wont wait 14 days, maybe a max of 2 and a minimum of 3 minutes lol


New Member
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I see in the posts above that some ppl where suspended. Same happend to me and the suspension report says I am using to much resources. I have installed 2 applications, PhPBB3 and TIKIWIKI. And to my knowledge, i don't have any cron's running, but am I overlooking something?
I use less then 10% of the alotted bandwith, I do not have a lot of users (less 100). If any1 has any tips plz let me know.

website =
server = lotus

what people are failing to realize is that these suspensions are not about bandwidth or how many times you upload files.

The resource usage that Corey is talking about are the scripts incorporated into your site that are server-side and require the server (ie Lotus, Stoli, Chopin) to start grinding away.

Corey posted in this thread a list of possibilities that would cause such a usage:

Update 6/22/09 Corey

If you get suspended for high resource usage you can unsuspend yourself two times in the account panel. Upon the third time you must submit a ticket. Some things that cause high resource usage are:
* Excessive amount of modules for blogs\forums
* Shoutboxes
* Any type of bot
* Chat servers

this is by no means a comprehensive list.

I'm sure many people here old and new alike are going to be seeing major changes in some ways to the free hosting. Corey also indicated in the referenced thread above they are working on their long term model for free hosting.

So instead of getting impatient and upset or frustrated with the staff and the way things are now try to understand what they are doing and go with the flow and learn how things are now not like they used to be ;)
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New Member
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maybe i need glasses but i don t see anyone upset or very frustrated, i just see a lot of hoping people

and i think the 'new way' is just having hick ups because i can not imagine me having high resource usage... even when i think very deep heheheheheh


New Member
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maybe i need glasses but i don t see anyone upset or very frustrated, i just see a lot of hoping people

and i think the 'new way' is just having hick ups because i can not imagine me having high resource usage... even when i think very deep heheheheheh

check out the forums I have been up since yesterday with a few hours of sleep answering very angry and frustrated and grumpy people.

I have a forum currently installed and have yet to be suspended for High resource usage and I don't think I am special in any way ;)
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i mean all the above posters are hoping and most did not even make a ticket

people being grumpy is understandable but pointless, i personally try to get that out of the way before i start posting here


Active Member
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I just wish we had clearer guidelines on how much is too much, & how to tell what our sites are currently using.

This is not just for people who are currently suspended - but is also for all those people like me who wonder if they might get suspended in the future.

Re the bandwidth versus server-side resources issue...... Yes, it does seem fairly obvious at first that it's not bandwidth that's causing the suspensions. But then we get posts like alid1712's here, where he says ;

"My account got suspended too.

I got it by using FTP, I was transferring 160 files equivalent to 1.5+mb. The last thing i know few minutes after that I got suspended. The files was just themes for my wordpress blog.

Do anyone knows how to reduce the speed? My transferring progress is 1 files at a time. And I don't want to use a lot of resources when using ftp files. I'm using FileZilla as my method of FTP."

So, there does seem to be some confusion building, & it would be useful to have a little more official clarification on these issues. That would not only reduce the speculation & confusion, but also help avoid further resource hogging & suspensions. :)

........I have a forum currently installed and have yet to be suspended for High resource usage and I don't think I am special in any way

Oops, I think you've just gone & jinxed yourself there. Prepare for down-time!
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I just wish we had clearer guidelines on how much is too much, & how to tell what our sites are currently using.

This is not just for people who are currently suspended - but is also for all those people like me who wonder if they might get suspended in the future.

Re the bandwidth versus server-side resources issue...... Yes, it does seem fairly obvious at first that it's not bandwidth that's causing the suspensions. But then we get posts like alid1712's here, where he says ;

"My account got suspended too.

I got it by using FTP, I was transferring 160 files equivalent to 1.5+mb. The last thing i know few minutes after that I got suspended. The files was just themes for my wordpress blog.

Do anyone knows how to reduce the speed? My transferring progress is 1 files at a time. And I don't want to use a lot of resources when using ftp files. I'm using FileZilla as my method of FTP."

So, there does seem to be some confusion building, & it would be useful to have a little more official clarification on these issues. That would not only reduce the speculation & confusion, but also help avoid further resource hogging & suspensions. :)

Oops, I think you've just gone & jinxed yourself there. Prepare for down-time!

I also replied to the original post zen-r:
make sure you go into the advanced options of FileZilla and don't use more than one connection. By default most FTP clients will open as many connections as they can to upload files so its a faster process. BY limiting the FTP client to only one connection you should be fine.


I am just me
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I submitted a ticket about 6-7days ago and was told it's because i'm on Starka and I should wait patiently and now my ticket is "On Hold"

Im assuming the person who read my ticket after you Anna, that persobn being some guy called Sayid, knew what he was on about and hasn't given me false information thus resulting in me waiting for a week for nothing....cus that would be a complete load of BS now wouldn't it. I sincerely hope that is NOT the case.

I can not access your ticket and check, it's in a department I don't have access to. Syed should know what he is talking about, he has been around longer then me and he is part of the administration


On Extended Leave
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"... We literally have hundreds of tickets asking questions that have already been answered or saying 'mi srvr dwn plz fixx'."

That made me laugh so hard. :D


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"... We literally have hundreds of tickets asking questions that have already been answered or saying 'mi srvr dwn plz fixx'."

That made me laugh so hard. :D

It makes me laugh too, except that it means my valid ticket is buried somewhere in the middle of them all... oh well. It's a good thing I'm patient. :biggrin:


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"If you get suspended for high resource usage you can unsuspend yourself two times in the account panel. Upon the third time you must submit a ticket. Some things that cause high resource usage are:
* Excessive amount of modules for blogs\forums
* Shoutboxes
* Any type of bot
* Chat servers"

So does this mean i got suspended cuz i actually was using high resources?
Well i tried to unsuspend and was inserted into que nothing happened and later i came back it was as if i never sumbmited it. Gona try again. Sam issue with domain name change as well

Can corey or any other staff member PM me and tell me aproximatley how much ram was i using. If you dont know then please PM me and tell me the cap (Its important that i know)
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New Member
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The same thing has happened to me. I was suspended for high resource usage (using Fantastico to install a discussion board) and tried to unsuspend and it was pending. Then I could not log in later today due to the unknown error. I was able to log in a few minutes ago and I did the unsuspend again. But now I am unable to log in to my account due to the unknown error again. I am on Lotus.
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Active Member
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Well, the latest in the string of problems has been that for the last 6 hours or so, a large number of people have been getting Fatal Error messages when trying to log in to either their Account or cPanel, & their website has also been down ;

I think whenever faults like this occur, an immediate note inserted as soon as possible at the end of the News Update thread ; by a member of staff would be really useful.

Even if it only said "Staff are aware of the following problem:- ................", & stating whether people with the problem should or should not get a Support ticket.

This would put people's mind at rest, stop the endless new threads being started asking for help, & cut down on the processing of yet more Support tickets.

How about it guys?? "A stitch in time saves nine".

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(at the corner of this post) & make me :) -it costs you nothing!

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type date

suspension Jun 23
reason for action
You have been suspended for high system resource usage. Accounts are suspended for usage when they are detected to have consistently high cpu usage, memory usage, or process amounts. This is an automatic suspension, you're able to unsuspend yourself immediately. Warning 1 of 3

unsuspension Jun 23 not applicable

suspension Jun 23
reason for action
You have been suspended for high system resource usage. Accounts are suspended for usage when they are detected to have consistently high cpu usage, memory usage, or process amounts. This is an automatic suspension, you're

What mean "not applicable"?
What should I do?
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