If I lived forever, or if people in general lived forever...without consequence, ...
It would bring me to think, food is not a necessity, water is not a necessity, nothing is a necessity....with such assumptions, living forever would also mean I do not age past age 21 for example....I would not mind.
If I could live forever, I would choose that option, as long as there is someone else to spend that time with, as long as life is, as it currently is, but without necessities.
I would live forever, to make money, and build, or obtain what I do not have. A mansion, a castle, create an army, take over land, only to have it retaken and so on. Without death, I would not mind. I would love to enjoy life, more than I am currently enjoying it. I would love to live forever, and just go on, living forever, with everyone else,
BUT if it were only me to live forever, and never age past 18 for example, or at my prime, I would accept as long as people still exist in their current state, as long as I can still have someone or multiple people to live with for a period of time. Would I live forever, that is no question within my mind, I would accept, as long as there is, no aging, and no necessity for myself and that I have one or multiple people throughout my never ending life to spend it with.
From John Klyne....I have thought about this...and as always I choose to live within conditions.