Important Multi-Account Unblock Requests

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At x10hosting for our free services we have always maintained and had a rule under our TOS that stated only one account was allowed per user. For us to be able to offer the quality service for free we must enforce this rule to prevent our resources from being depleted and to have the space required to always allow new users being able to join.

We have also acknowledged that in the past ~1 year we have not enforced this as strictly as we have in the past. However, with our latest update we are now strictly enforced this rule again and will be doing so going forward.

Since we have not enforced this rule as mentioned we are still allowing our users to have access to one of their existing accounts.

Please reply to this thread post using the following guidelines to request access to one single existing accounts :

-You must request access to the hosting account from the forum name attached to that account. If you do not remember your forum name or account you can use our forum forgot password feature using the same email attached to your hosting / clients dashboard account
-Domain name on the account you wish to keep.

DO NOT publicly post email addresses, IP's etc.

Please note that this access will be reviewed for all content on each multi-account to make sure they abide by our TOS and AUP. If any of the accounts listed under the users IP has been found to break any of our TOS or AUP no account access will be allowed at this time.
Also note that your access to this account may take a few days to be processed.
I want to unlock this account
My error code is E29D6BB52207EC6F7.


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Good day, please release my account
username: yqzthajl/frendsproj00
forum name: frendsproj00
Error code: E71BDE685B9AE9D36
Thank you.


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I request an access to my account:

Username: flickeracres
Error code: E20914B05022C92EE



New Member
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I want to recover my x10hosting account:

username: Urban_Furniture
error code:E22276BBCFFC0E77A



New Member
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I request to unblock my account. I don't have any multiple or duplications on this account.

Username: Urban_Furniture
Error code: EA93E98C130441AA1

Thanks in advance.


New Member
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Hello, I request to unblock my account. I don't have any multiple or duplications on this account.
Username: Urban_Furniture
Error code: EA93E98C130441AA1
Thanks in advance.


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Tại x10hosting đối với các dịch vụ miễn phí của mình, chúng tôi luôn duy trì và có quy tắc theo ĐKDV của mình quy định rằng mỗi người dùng chỉ được phép có một tài khoản. Để chúng tôi có thể cung cấp dịch vụ chất lượng miễn phí, chúng tôi phải thực thi quy tắc này để ngăn tài nguyên của chúng tôi bị cạn kiệt và để có đủ dung lượng cần thiết để luôn cho phép người dùng mới có thể tham gia.

Chúng tôi cũng thừa nhận rằng trong ~1 năm qua, chúng tôi đã không thực thi điều này một cách nghiêm ngặt như trước đây. Tuy nhiên, với bản cập nhật mới nhất, chúng tôi hiện đang thực thi nghiêm ngặt quy tắc này một lần nữa và sẽ tiếp tục thực hiện như vậy trong tương lai.

Vì chúng tôi chưa thực thi quy tắc này như đã đề cập nên chúng tôi vẫn cho phép người dùng có quyền truy cập vào một trong các tài khoản hiện có của họ.

Vui lòng trả lời bài đăng trong chủ đề này bằng cách sử dụng các nguyên tắc sau để yêu cầu quyền truy cập vào một tài khoản hiện có:

-Bạn phải yêu cầu quyền truy cập vào tài khoản hosting từ tên diễn đàn gắn với tài khoản đó. Nếu bạn không nhớ tên diễn đàn hoặc tài khoản của mình, bạn có thể sử dụng tính năng quên mật khẩu diễn đàn của chúng tôi bằng cách sử dụng cùng một email được đính kèm với tài khoản bảng điều khiển lưu trữ / khách hàng của bạn
-Tên miền trên tài khoản bạn muốn giữ.

KHÔNG đăng công khai địa chỉ email, IP, v.v.

Xin lưu ý rằng quyền truy cập này sẽ được xem xét đối với tất cả nội dung trên mỗi nhiều tài khoản để đảm bảo chúng tuân thủ ĐKDV và AUP của chúng tôi. Nếu bất kỳ tài khoản nào được liệt kê dưới IP người dùng bị phát hiện vi phạm bất kỳ ĐKDV hoặc AUP nào của chúng tôi thì sẽ không được phép truy cập tài khoản vào thời điểm này.
Cũng lưu ý rằng quyền truy cập của bạn vào tài khoản này có thể mất vài ngày để được xử lý.
Last edited:


New Member
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Tại x10hosting đối với các dịch vụ miễn phí của mình, chúng tôi luôn duy trì và có quy tắc theo ĐKDV của mình quy định rằng mỗi người dùng chỉ được phép có một tài khoản. Để chúng tôi có thể cung cấp dịch vụ chất lượng miễn phí, chúng tôi phải thực thi quy tắc này để ngăn tài nguyên của chúng tôi bị cạn kiệt và để có đủ dung lượng cần thiết để luôn cho phép người dùng mới có thể tham gia.

Chúng tôi cũng thừa nhận rằng trong ~1 năm qua, chúng tôi đã không thực thi điều này một cách nghiêm ngặt như trước đây. Tuy nhiên, với bản cập nhật mới nhất, chúng tôi hiện đang thực thi nghiêm ngặt quy tắc này một lần nữa và sẽ tiếp tục thực hiện như vậy trong tương lai.

Vì chúng tôi chưa thực thi quy tắc này như đã đề cập nên chúng tôi vẫn cho phép người dùng có quyền truy cập vào một trong các tài khoản hiện có của họ.

Vui lòng trả lời bài đăng trong chủ đề này bằng cách sử dụng các nguyên tắc sau để yêu cầu quyền truy cập vào một tài khoản hiện có:

-Bạn phải yêu cầu quyền truy cập vào tài khoản hosting từ tên diễn đàn gắn với tài khoản đó. Nếu bạn không nhớ tên diễn đàn hoặc tài khoản của mình, bạn có thể sử dụng tính năng quên mật khẩu diễn đàn của chúng tôi bằng cách sử dụng cùng một email được đính kèm với tài khoản bảng điều khiển lưu trữ / khách hàng của bạn
-Tên miền trên tài khoản bạn muốn giữ.

KHÔNG đăng công khai địa chỉ email, IP, v.v.

Xin lưu ý rằng quyền truy cập này sẽ được xem xét đối với tất cả nội dung trên mỗi nhiều tài khoản để đảm bảo chúng tuân thủ ĐKDV và AUP của chúng tôi. Nếu bất kỳ tài khoản nào được liệt kê dưới IP người dùng bị phát hiện vi phạm bất kỳ ĐKDV hoặc AUP nào của chúng tôi thì sẽ không được phép truy cập tài khoản vào thời điểm này.
Cũng lưu ý rằng quyền truy cập của bạn vào tài khoản này có thể mất vài ngày để được xử lý.
Xin chào, tôi muốn khôi phục tài khoản x10hosting của mình:

Username: fuocs1
Error code: EB1DFA0387E74660D

Cảm ơn.
Last edited:


New Member
Reaction score
At x10hosting for our free services we have always maintained and had a rule under our TOS that stated only one account was allowed per user. For us to be able to offer the quality service for free we must enforce this rule to prevent our resources from being depleted and to have the space required to always allow new users being able to join.

We have also acknowledged that in the past ~1 year we have not enforced this as strictly as we have in the past. However, with our latest update we are now strictly enforced this rule again and will be doing so going forward.

Since we have not enforced this rule as mentioned we are still allowing our users to have access to one of their existing accounts.

Please reply to this thread post using the following guidelines to request access to one single existing accounts :

-You must request access to the hosting account from the forum name attached to that account. If you do not remember your forum name or account you can use our forum forgot password feature using the same email attached to your hosting / clients dashboard account
-Domain name on the account you wish to keep.

DO NOT publicly post email addresses, IP's etc.

Please note that this access will be reviewed for all content on each multi-account to make sure they abide by our TOS and AUP. If any of the accounts listed under the users IP has been found to break any of our TOS or AUP no account access will be allowed at this time.
Also note that your access to this account may take a few days to be processed.
Hi, I want to recover my x10hosting account:

Username: phuocno1
Error code: E968F38CB19CC7D0C



New Member
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Hi goodafternoon
I want to unlock the account with the error: E83AC35C573817D1B.
Please review this because I didn't do anything wrong
At x10hosting for our free services we have always maintained and had a rule under our TOS that stated only one account was allowed per user. For us to be able to offer the quality service for free we must enforce this rule to prevent our resources from being depleted and to have the space required to always allow new users being able to join.

We have also acknowledged that in the past ~1 year we have not enforced this as strictly as we have in the past. However, with our latest update we are now strictly enforced this rule again and will be doing so going forward.

Since we have not enforced this rule as mentioned we are still allowing our users to have access to one of their existing accounts.

Please reply to this thread post using the following guidelines to request access to one single existing accounts :

-You must request access to the hosting account from the forum name attached to that account. If you do not remember your forum name or account you can use our forum forgot password feature using the same email attached to your hosting / clients dashboard account
-Domain name on the account you wish to keep.

DO NOT publicly post email addresses, IP's etc.

Please note that this access will be reviewed for all content on each multi-account to make sure they abide by our TOS and AUP. If any of the accounts listed under the users IP has been found to break any of our TOS or AUP no account access will be allowed at this time.
Also note that your access to this account may take a few days to be processed.


New Member
Reaction score
At x10hosting for our free services we have always maintained and had a rule under our TOS that stated only one account was allowed per user. For us to be able to offer the quality service for free we must enforce this rule to prevent our resources from being depleted and to have the space required to always allow new users being able to join.

We have also acknowledged that in the past ~1 year we have not enforced this as strictly as we have in the past. However, with our latest update we are now strictly enforced this rule again and will be doing so going forward.

Since we have not enforced this rule as mentioned we are still allowing our users to have access to one of their existing accounts.

Please reply to this thread post using the following guidelines to request access to one single existing accounts :

-You must request access to the hosting account from the forum name attached to that account. If you do not remember your forum name or account you can use our forum forgot password feature using the same email attached to your hosting / clients dashboard account
-Domain name on the account you wish to keep.

DO NOT publicly post email addresses, IP's etc.

Please note that this access will be reviewed for all content on each multi-account to make sure they abide by our TOS and AUP. If any of the accounts listed under the users IP has been found to break any of our TOS or AUP no account access will be allowed at this time.
Also note that your access to this account may take a few days to be processed.
Hi, I want to recover my x10hosting account:
error code is EB06A236897B4981B.

Thank You!!


New Member
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I want to unlock the account with the error: E5D8FE24F69EBF841​

Could you unlock my account, please?
I want to unlock the account with the error: E5D8FE24F69EBF841


New Member
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please unblock my account. i want to use my account to upgrade my plan thank you.

error code: E98B299AF61E323BF


New Member
Reaction score
At x10hosting for our free services we have always maintained and had a rule under our TOS that stated only one account was allowed per user. For us to be able to offer the quality service for free we must enforce this rule to prevent our resources from being depleted and to have the space required to always allow new users being able to join.

We have also acknowledged that in the past ~1 year we have not enforced this as strictly as we have in the past. However, with our latest update we are now strictly enforced this rule again and will be doing so going forward.

Since we have not enforced this rule as mentioned we are still allowing our users to have access to one of their existing accounts.

Please reply to this thread post using the following guidelines to request access to one single existing accounts :

-You must request access to the hosting account from the forum name attached to that account. If you do not remember your forum name or account you can use our forum forgot password feature using the same email attached to your hosting / clients dashboard account
-Domain name on the account you wish to keep.

DO NOT publicly post email addresses, IP's etc.

Please note that this access will be reviewed for all content on each multi-account to make sure they abide by our TOS and AUP. If any of the accounts listed under the users IP has been found to break any of our TOS or AUP no account access will be allowed at this time.
Also note that your access to this account may take a few days to be processed.

Please Reactivate my account.
uname: usukuk
error code is E54F4CD2E40966B1A


New Member
Reaction score
At x10hosting for our free services we have always maintained and had a rule under our TOS that stated only one account was allowed per user. For us to be able to offer the quality service for free we must enforce this rule to prevent our resources from being depleted and to have the space required to always allow new users being able to join.

We have also acknowledged that in the past ~1 year we have not enforced this as strictly as we have in the past. However, with our latest update we are now strictly enforced this rule again and will be doing so going forward.

Since we have not enforced this rule as mentioned we are still allowing our users to have access to one of their existing accounts.

Please reply to this thread post using the following guidelines to request access to one single existing accounts :

-You must request access to the hosting account from the forum name attached to that account. If you do not remember your forum name or account you can use our forum forgot password feature using the same email attached to your hosting / clients dashboard account
-Domain name on the account you wish to keep.

DO NOT publicly post email addresses, IP's etc.

Please note that this access will be reviewed for all content on each multi-account to make sure they abide by our TOS and AUP. If any of the accounts listed under the users IP has been found to break any of our TOS or AUP no account access will be allowed at this time.
Also note that your access to this account may take a few days to be proces
Please Unlock my Acc E15CB04F113D1E225. this is my code Thank you!


New Member
Reaction score
At x10hosting for our free services we have always maintained and had a rule under our TOS that stated only one account was allowed per user. For us to be able to offer the quality service for free we must enforce this rule to prevent our resources from being depleted and to have the space required to always allow new users being able to join.

We have also acknowledged that in the past ~1 year we have not enforced this as strictly as we have in the past. However, with our latest update we are now strictly enforced this rule again and will be doing so going forward.

Since we have not enforced this rule as mentioned we are still allowing our users to have access to one of their existing accounts.

Please reply to this thread post using the following guidelines to request access to one single existing accounts :

-You must request access to the hosting account from the forum name attached to that account. If you do not remember your forum name or account you can use our forum forgot password feature using the same email attached to your hosting / clients dashboard account
-Domain name on the account you wish to keep.

DO NOT publicly post email addresses, IP's etc.

Please note that this access will be reviewed for all content on each multi-account to make sure they abide by our TOS and AUP. If any of the accounts listed under the users IP has been found to break any of our TOS or AUP no account access will be allowed at this time.
Also note that your access to this account may take a few days to be processed.
Hi, I want to recover my x10hosting account:

username: TheCaveTech
error code is E391014B27DC3A827.

thank you!!


New Member
Reaction score
At x10hosting for our free services we have always maintained and had a rule under our TOS that stated only one account was allowed per user. For us to be able to offer the quality service for free we must enforce this rule to prevent our resources from being depleted and to have the space required to always allow new users being able to join.

We have also acknowledged that in the past ~1 year we have not enforced this as strictly as we have in the past. However, with our latest update we are now strictly enforced this rule again and will be doing so going forward.

Since we have not enforced this rule as mentioned we are still allowing our users to have access to one of their existing accounts.

Please reply to this thread post using the following guidelines to request access to one single existing accounts :

-You must request access to the hosting account from the forum name attached to that account. If you do not remember your forum name or account you can use our forum forgot password feature using the same email attached to your hosting / clients dashboard account
-Domain name on the account you wish to keep.

DO NOT publicly post email addresses, IP's etc.

Please note that this access will be reviewed for all content on each multi-account to make sure they abide by our TOS and AUP. If any of the accounts listed under the users IP has been found to break any of our TOS or AUP no account access will be allowed at this time.
Also note that your access to this account may take a few days to be processed.
I want to recover my x10hosting account

Domain: TechCave
Your error code is E3FD41D521E2B435B.
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