Not sure, probably a few hours to restore everyone's accounts. -Corey
Corey I Break Things Staff member Messages 34,551 Reaction score 205 Points 63 Apr 30, 2005 #81 Not sure, probably a few hours to restore everyone's accounts. -Corey
Jake Developer Contributors Messages 4,057 Reaction score 5 Points 0 Apr 30, 2005 #82 ok, well best of luck, i'm gunna go do other things... *starts playing simon... only 2 off from high score!*
ok, well best of luck, i'm gunna go do other things... *starts playing simon... only 2 off from high score!*
A admans New Member Messages 100 Reaction score 0 Points 0 Apr 30, 2005 #83 Best of luck fer da Restoration...cant wait to be back online... btw thanx corey fer all the effort u and mods put in !! Resphect!!!
Best of luck fer da Restoration...cant wait to be back online... btw thanx corey fer all the effort u and mods put in !! Resphect!!!
Cycloneflame New Member Messages 128 Reaction score 0 Points 0 Apr 30, 2005 #84 Yes; I think we should praise them for their hard work! Hip Hip Horay!
|Born2Shoot| GFX-Designer Messages 648 Reaction score 0 Points 0 Apr 30, 2005 #85 praise is a big word, how bout thanking them for hard work and late hours.. while we were sleeping :innocent:
praise is a big word, how bout thanking them for hard work and late hours.. while we were sleeping :innocent:
t72at72a New Member Messages 162 Reaction score 0 Points 0 Apr 30, 2005 #86 back guys after my long sleep,lol, glad to see my site back and everyone elses, thanks for the hard work, still cPanel not working, but i guess you must be working on that, no worrys , thanks for the hard work guys :happy:
back guys after my long sleep,lol, glad to see my site back and everyone elses, thanks for the hard work, still cPanel not working, but i guess you must be working on that, no worrys , thanks for the hard work guys :happy:
F fluffy New Member Messages 26 Reaction score 0 Points 0 Apr 30, 2005 #87 so I read all the posts about the wiping out and bakcup and stuff but one thing I didn´t get ... did it get wiped out ?
so I read all the posts about the wiping out and bakcup and stuff but one thing I didn´t get ... did it get wiped out ?
n4tec Active Member Messages 3,312 Reaction score 0 Points 36 Apr 30, 2005 #88 @ Corey : thanx alot for your work and no sleep!!! @ Auvee: thanx alot too for you time and care!!! @ x10: thanx alot three for being there when needed!!! *4*
@ Corey : thanx alot for your work and no sleep!!! @ Auvee: thanx alot too for you time and care!!! @ x10: thanx alot three for being there when needed!!! *4*
T trev Member Prime Account Messages 670 Reaction score 0 Points 16 Apr 30, 2005 #89 Yeh thaks everyone who put time and effort into fixing this chears guys!
V Vr3nuhm New Member Messages 172 Reaction score 0 Points 0 Apr 30, 2005 #90 KEWL THX ALOT!!!Guys... no the only thing left is Cpanel... GOOD LUCK!
A admans New Member Messages 100 Reaction score 0 Points 0 Apr 30, 2005 #91 Hey congo man....yeppie we r back on and 2 rock again.... thanx corey and team...ur da best .....wat a dedication ......awesome man...keep up the gud job!!
Hey congo man....yeppie we r back on and 2 rock again.... thanx corey and team...ur da best .....wat a dedication ......awesome man...keep up the gud job!!
Corey I Break Things Staff member Messages 34,551 Reaction score 205 Points 63 Apr 30, 2005 #92 The wipeout did not happen yet.. I've had the ticket in since 11PM EST last night. I'm still waiting on the datacenter for this =\ -Corey
The wipeout did not happen yet.. I've had the ticket in since 11PM EST last night. I'm still waiting on the datacenter for this =\ -Corey
Tyler Retired Staff Messages 8,564 Reaction score 0 Points 0 Apr 30, 2005 #93 They are slow... lol =)
NewFuture New Member Messages 1,658 Reaction score 0 Points 0 Apr 30, 2005 #94 arent they just, well I have changed my .tk address to a server down page, so nothing could go wrong,
arent they just, well I have changed my .tk address to a server down page, so nothing could go wrong,
Corey I Break Things Staff member Messages 34,551 Reaction score 205 Points 63 Apr 30, 2005 #95 I just got off the phone with them, they're going to put a 'rush' on it. Rush would have been 12 hours ago ;( -Corey
I just got off the phone with them, they're going to put a 'rush' on it. Rush would have been 12 hours ago ;( -Corey
NewFuture New Member Messages 1,658 Reaction score 0 Points 0 Apr 30, 2005 #96 any news? just to keep us informed
F fluffy New Member Messages 26 Reaction score 0 Points 0 Apr 30, 2005 #97 yea .. any newes ??? P.S - thís it like the end of 1999 and beinging of 2000 when evryone thought it was the end of the world...;P
yea .. any newes ??? P.S - thís it like the end of 1999 and beinging of 2000 when evryone thought it was the end of the world...;P
NewFuture New Member Messages 1,658 Reaction score 0 Points 0 Apr 30, 2005 #99 thx alot, for your help tho corey, uve done great so far
Corey I Break Things Staff member Messages 34,551 Reaction score 205 Points 63 Apr 30, 2005 #100 Nothing to do besides wait. They have yet to update the ticket =\ -Corey