I just read the first post (rules ... yargh) and skipped to the end. No way I'm going through 51 pages yikes!
So, let's say we just make you all suffer through the +'s and -'s of my day. And the slightly odd ? moments as well.
- Got out of bed.
+ Shower
- Smoke
+ Not going to kill anyone because I smoked
+ Long drive to work
+ New stereo plays the MP3 discs nicely. Woo!
- Got to work.
? Weird stain by the fridge. Not going to ask...
- Weird stain explained by employee. Someone's lunch spilled.
- Spilled lunch yesterday = science experiment tomorrow.
? Science experiment may gain consciousness and walk off by self. Hmm..
+ Can sell spontaneous generation experiment for BIG MONEY
+ Can use BIG MONEY to buy BIG HOUSE
- Will have to move the in-laws into BIG HOUSE
- Discover big boss is in town
+ Big boss is pleased with my work.
+ Given two days off. Paid!
- Cleaning house
? Found: one fuzzy... thing... under couch. Hairball? Lint? Cat?
- Fuzzy thing moved.
- Cat. Definitely a cat.
+ Girlfriend's cat. Girlfriend + cat = happy = smaller "honey do" list
+ List completed. Computer time.
? Did I eat lunch today?
+ Pizza delivery!
< !-- Current time of day reached. Please end day -- >
/end day