What load of bologna is this....
Do you have to pay to get a job???? JEEZ come on think of what you're saying man...
Want a true statement??? One that is 100% irrefutable, even by Einstein????
You need to have a brain to make money...
And if you're alive you most likely can make it : )
It is a persons views and beleifs and who they make themselves seem to be that makes them money, or loses them money.
I hereby point you to my brain...
That is on this forum..I posted it minutes before writing this post...SPECIFICALLY SO YOU CAN MAKE MONEY...read it...try it...don't tell me it doesn't work...and yea having a .com domain or not..is no problem...so yes it works : ) PROVEN by myself and my bank account.
I wish thou luck, health and wealth friends and other, if other exists I wish you luck sir, or mam I love for it is because of you all I read/do what I do..to show or tell my story...and jeez what a story!