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  • LadyAnna, could you please be so kind to reactivate my account... I wouldn't bug you if I could help it myself. Seems like I REALLY need an account manager for this...
    plz solve my prblm..
    i hv just regstrd for free hosting acc.
    aftr confirmatn its gvng following error...
    Your hosting account is currently pending creation. The current status of your request is shown below.what is occurring status time submitted last updated
    hosting account creation unknown 12:34 pm 12:38 pm

    your account's queue id code is: QWCG1UYWFACR
    pass this code onto any support staff if you're having difficulties with your account.

    plz fix it....
    Account Deletion Request - Please delete my free hosting account.

    cPanel username: razor2

    (X ) Inserting an X inside the parentheses signifies that I have made all necessary backups of my free hosting account and will not hold x10Hosting responsible for any data I am unable to recover after my free hosting account is deleted. The X also serves as my digital signature verifying that I have proper authorization to request account deletion of the account specified.
    Account Deletion Request - Please delete my free hosting account.

    cPanel username: jake3812

    (X ) Inserting an X inside the parentheses signifies that I have made all necessary backups of my free hosting account and will not hold x10Hosting responsible for any data I am unable to recover after my free hosting account is deleted. The X also serves as my digital signature verifying that I have proper authorization to request account deletion of the account specified.
    Hi Lady Anna, i have tried to login in to the control panel and i get a failed response and the home page is still being redirected to a black page that says

    Your account has been suspended by x10Hosting's administration - what should i do?
    Thank you my Lady Anna, i will remove the chat right away and im sorry if that caused any trouble im lovin it here and dont want cause you any concern - love antonio
    Hi Lady Anna, i have been suspended in error,

    i am passing the information below on to you as i am having difficulties with my account my
    suspension reason code is SPND_RUSAGE3

    tonight at 9:51pm GMT my acount was suspended i was totally amazed as i have been recieving
    an intermitant service for the last two weeks and tonight only uploaded one very small php
    file then i logged into my control panel and got the following response.

    You have been suspended for high system resource usage. Accounts are suspended for usage
    when they are detected to have consistently high cpu usage, memory usage, and process
    amounts. This is an automatic suspension, and the third warning. To resolve this suspension,
    open a support ticket

    i clicked on
    Open a Support Ticket to Discuss Issue
    then got
    Open a Support Thread
    which again i clicked on only to get
    Sorry! This forum is not accepting new posts.
    i've done nothing wrong so why am i being punished and embarressed to my fan base? Thanks
    @danielx386: As staff member we request to be put on vacation when we're gonna be gone a few days, and a forum admin marks us as on vacation with green text, so the users know who they can expect an answer from or not
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