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  1. cybrax


    @frooti - Install what? OTRS is the name of the company and both the packages they offer require root access to a server @xmilox - start your own thread do not hijack somebody elses
  2. cybrax

    Hello from Ireland

    Welcome to the madhouse Derek :smile: I for one sympathise with your plight having spent some time between jobs myself and have raised merry hell with agencies that 'tweeked' my CV without telling me. PS: When your site is nearly done go visit and ask if 'Viper' will swap...
  3. cybrax

    Spot the difference

    I feel a little cheated, what do you think?
  4. cybrax

    The computer/setup infront of you..

    This photo is almost a year old taken shortly after the new LCD monitors arrived and since then the desk has aquired a little more general office type clutter. Desk was custom built years ago to accomodate the wieght of five 15" CRT screens (4 regular ones and an iMac with the twin towers...
  5. cybrax

    Please look at my website-Serbian Car Fans

    Will look a lot better without using the FLASH menu and banner, everything can be done with Javascript. Here are two javascript tutorials with examples you will find interesting PHP Photo Album script v2.11 Mac style expanding menu dock
  6. cybrax

    What do you think of my FAQs? Also what about the first one?

    Off to a good start but you will have to move fast to keep up, otherwise a nice clean site and very functional. Free domain names have been available for over a year and did find a reference to a similiar scheme was running in Australia. see Google also provides two forms of...
  7. cybrax

    My new site.Need help

    Binary Trading in a nutshell: A purchase is made of a binary cash-or-nothing call option on XYZ Corp's stock struck at $100 with a binary payoff of $1000. Then, if at the future maturity date, the stock is trading at or above $100, $1000 is received. If its stock is trading below $100, you get...
  8. cybrax

    Kindly Review my Website - Thanks!

    As beginings go it's actually better than some I've seen. Though do try to avoid using content that some would describe as illegal or hacking related. All webhosts hate lawsuits and will rapidly pull the plug on sites that do not obey thier TOS.
  9. cybrax

    stoli mail not working since Dec 8

    Mail function has been a little quirky following the Terms of Service changes but should be working ok now, or at least it was twenty minutes ago lol! Remember all outgoing mail() must now use a valid email address belonging to the domain that is sending from in the headers or it gets binned as...
  10. cybrax

    What did you get for christmas then?

    I've been a bad boy and ended up with a copy of the Steve Jobs biography.
  11. cybrax

    How do YOU feel about having kids?

    Could not eat a whole one and the older they get the more stringy they become. Never the less they are the best delicacy that life on this planet has to offer.
  12. cybrax

    Dynamic Animated Signature Tags

    Dynamic Animated Signature Tags Learn how to combine text and images into an animated GIF at the server to create stunning signature tags that can update with fresh information everytime they are called. Big eight page tutorial, two working demos plus all the artwork, code snippets and how...
  13. cybrax

    I need a basic tutorial on MySql!!!!!!!!!
  14. cybrax

    STOLI mail()

    Hello guys, Is the Stoli mail server/ network throwing errors again or just on a go slow? I'm not getting mail through a previously working contact form, the 'from' & 'reply' headers contain a valid domain/email account so it should be behaving.
  15. cybrax

    Bug Hunters Wanted is getting ready for a site wide makeover and crowdsourcing the bug hunting on the beta version. There is no money on offer but if you have skills then it may be worth helping them out as you never know where something like this leads because it is not a small site. looking for...
  16. cybrax

    Ads for Website

    Abrite has a sister company called 'Black Label' and I believe they will allow free hosted sites. However a word of warning, the only ads they seem to have are a bit on the pornographic side. So probably not a good addition to some websites. 'Infolinks' may be worth a try as well.
  17. cybrax

    Are drawings considered pornography?

    Recalling recent events it took a mere 34 complaints in the UK to get the latest Duke Nukem advert pulled from TV in the UK and the makers tied up in court for months whilst the advertising standards folks debated each frame because of pornographic scenes. Closer to the home for american...
  18. cybrax

    Cron. Operation not permitted. Part 3

    Assuming the script works when called manually from a browser, I would hazzard that it's the Cron account lacking permission to perform the action. More of a security feature than a bug. Give this a try... Change the cron command to: /usr/bin/php -f /home/aropan/public_html/shunt.php...
  19. cybrax

    Smash Support

    Not overly wild about the purple and green colour scheme and the logo looks very grey and faded. By the way.. how much did you pay for that copy of vBulletin?
  20. cybrax

    Tutorial Sneak Preview - Turbo charged signature tags

    Hi guys, here's a little sneak preview of a tutorial I'm working on for release this month. Dynamic Animated Images, refresh the page and see it change.