Search results

  1. cybrax

    What do you guys think of my music hosting website (revised)?

    It's getting there, but think more needs to be done. The colour combinations don't really do it for me, particulary white text on grey .. maybe upping the font size (or changing the font may help). Margins... they exist for a reason, don't butt text up against the left hand side of the divs it...
  2. cybrax

    i need Help

    What are you trying to install?
  3. cybrax

    Website showing Server Error

    Looks ok now
  4. cybrax

    Is it because my term of service is too harsh, confusing, do I lack of categories?

    Re: Is it because my term of service is too harsh, confusing, do I lack of categories Hmm.. ok I like the idea of site using user generated content to provide listings of products or services that you can get for free both online and in the real world at a local level, the 'Freetard' movement...
  5. cybrax

    Web and database

    Give this a try <?php $username ='jondoe'; $password = '12345678'; $database = 'jondoe_mydatabase'; // NB the full db name is your username plus whatever you called the database $con = mysql_connect("localhost",$username,$password); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' ...
  6. cybrax

    Cron Jobs

    Regular Cron problems 1. the command string is wrong, there must be space between php and /home (/php /home/ = good , /php/home/ = wrong) /usr/bin/php /home/your_username/public_html/some_folder/cron_job_script.php 2. the cron account has limited permissions, so not all functions are...
  7. cybrax

    RSS feed of new free hosted domains

    Thankyou Xavier that is an interesting piece of information. Was not aware a peer reviewed system had been tried previously with only limited success. Are you able to provide a brief synopsis for its theory of operation and resulting problems encountered ? Humans are difficult creatures I...
  8. cybrax

    RSS feed of new free hosted domains

    Like they say... "throw it against the wall and see what sticks" I concede to your wisdom and agree that some users may not wish to annouce the existance of a site till its ready, (lord knows I've created some abominations myself, what designer hasn't?) of course where a sitemap has been...
  9. cybrax

    RSS feed of new free hosted domains

    RSS feed of new free hosted domains: So users can take an active intrest in latest new signups to free web hosting , for say inspiration and the exchange of ideas between webmasters/ designers that would otherwise clutter the help forum. A 'mechanical turk' system like this may also capture...
  10. cybrax

    Please Review Fireflyer Music

    Crisp and clean site, perhaps a little bare at the moment but am sure it will fill up quickly. PS: Have a look over at for some inspiration, was tinkering with similiar ideas a few monts ago for users to vote for and control playlists.
  11. cybrax

    Site is loading slow

    Loads fine apart from the radio and that's throwing up a 404 error. Looking at the code it's clearly not your first website so am suprised you made that mistake.
  12. cybrax

    Looking for exchange links with my new website

    Shall have a good read of the site and see about adding you to, and ask Rosie over at NIJoL (a Northern Ireland Job site) if she is interested.
  13. cybrax

    Only In England

    After claiming asylum in the UK back in 2001, Mohamed Bouzalim spent the next 10 years cheating the welfare system out of nearly £400,000 ($622,240 American) and was getting another £1200 a month renting out property he owned. Can't help but think I've got the wrong idea coding for living? See...
  14. cybrax

    Quote It! - Share your favorite quotes

    "What can you do me for $50 a year with this Google Adwords thing.." - My last client
  15. cybrax

    How to create a chat system in my x10hosting website?

    Using ajax push is never going to reduce a users incoming bandwidth because all the messages have to be delivered and of course the server has to send them. This outgoing bandwidth consumption by the server being the true problem of running a busy chatroom. Implenting 'push' at the users...
  16. cybrax

    What you think of the site?

    It's a bit lively, some text is to dark for the background and others to bright for white. Try to use the same colour scheme across the entire page, take a look at and see how different shades and contrasting hues work together.
  17. cybrax

    So what do you think of my site?

    As part of any design process the users themselves must be involved and ideally get the final say, because at the end of the day they are the ones who are going to be using the site not the designer (or programmer) let alone the art critics here. So ask the forum users.. do they like it...
  18. cybrax

    Web radio

    Very eye catching website, though maybe a little confusing for tired eyes BTW.. the radio does not work
  19. cybrax

    how to stop a python script??

    I'm not a religous person but... have you considered the power of prayer? Failing that post the code here and while you're waiting delete the live script.
  20. cybrax

    Paid Staff- Offering Company Stake... Web-Developement

    No, I don't think that its the 'Grim Squeaker' or I for that matter does not like you, it's the line "must be willing to relocate to New Jersey" that probably queered the deal for many readers. As for the rest of the 'job advert' it has many similarities with a classic 419 letter in so far that...