Search results

  1. cybrax

    Types of scripting allowed?

    If you want to explore Python scripting then would suggest signing up for a Google App Engine account, the free quota allowences for useage are pretty generous and more than enough for most. There are some minor differences between the way Google does things and the way regular python works but...
  2. cybrax

    Wanted - Advertisment Code

    Adhitz will do nicely.
  3. cybrax

    Adsense ads blocked on

    Thankyou Byron, have one eyeball in the google forum at the moment.. looks like Stoli has been blacklisted. Clicksor works as an alternative, don't know about Adbrite or others just yet.
  4. cybrax

    Adsense ads blocked on

    Several seem to be having this problem including myself, some on 000webhost have also reported the same. Does not seem to matter if adsense is set to allow all domains or spefic ones, could be a policy change has been slipped through by google. Google forum is awash with this, looks like...
  5. cybrax

    Free Bouncing Ball Lottery Number Picker

    Apologies for the double post have been pulling a few late nights, please merge or delete threads as approriate. Script has been updated to eliminate duplicate numbers on a drop. Kicking myself this end for missing that obvious error
  6. cybrax

    Free Bouncing Ball Lottery Number Picker

    Free Bouncing Ball Lottery Number Picker Nice little HTML5 canvas demo, all done with javascript full details & external scripts can be downloaded OR there is an iFrame version for wordpress or blog embedding. Free customised versions upon...
  7. cybrax

    N64 best games anyone?

    Golden Eye.. paintball mode gotta be done lol
  8. cybrax

    Lottery ball Picker

    Here's a quick little demo & script tutorial for HTML5 and its canvas feature. The code below will create numbered bouncing balls in a variety of colours each time they drop into the screen. Lots of tweekable settings to play around so have fun. Online Demo is here and the download links for...
  9. cybrax

    Link Spammers Wanted

    Yes, you did read that right lol! admin.. take a look at the homepage this is for real I'm doing some live testing of a comments script, no registration is required so just come over to, find the radio station and post to your hearts content. If you could...
  10. cybrax

    no sound from my media player

    For audio or video to work in all the newer HTML5 browsers you basically need two copies of the file in different formats and as a fallback for older browsers you need a flash player as well.
  11. cybrax

    no sound from my media player

    There is no media player in the page, all your javascript does is dump an mp3 file into the browser. Taking a wild shot in the dark.. I'll wager you have iTunes on the local PC and that's what is playing the file.
  12. cybrax

    Google apps and Contact form(Php send mail) inconsistency.

    Nope, did not mis-read your statement. Mentioned the X10 email policy change because it's caught a lot folk off guard with either very basic or unusual mailing scripts using no header information or ones like yours where the outgoing mail information does not belong to the account. Though the...
  13. cybrax

    Free Advertising Forum

    Oh joy another cheesy random spam portal. Click at your own peril, there is no telling where it will dump you out on the web.
  14. cybrax

    Google apps and Contact form(Php send mail) inconsistency.

    There were changes to the X10 mail() function around that time and the outgoing email header must now contain an address that is associated with the domain it's coming from eg: From: mysite@x10.. because sending an outgoing mail as somebody else is suspicious. Most contact form scripts put all...
  15. cybrax

    Php form wont email

    Variable $from is not defined, all outgoing messages from the server must use a valid email address // create email headers $headers = 'From: '.$from."\r\n". 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); mail($email_to, $email_subject, $email_message, $headers); try this.. using your own email...
  16. cybrax

    Wanted - Advertisment Code

    HI guys, need a little help here.. As part of an upcoming project/tutorial I need examples of different advertisers Javascript codes, like this one below for Google adsense. Ideally looking for layout type 460x60pixels (half banner) or anything sort of square 200 to 300px. Those who have...
  17. cybrax

    Improvements for my site Team Seek

    Interesting use of a Wordpress Classifieds setup and I like the concept. As more seeks appear hopefully the home page will appear a bit fuller. I'll be adding an unusual 'seek' of my own in the coming weeks (if I can get the damm bugs out of my code)
  18. cybrax

    Review my site please

    Don't feel bad about any harsh comments while you are learning, we all started the same way and EVERY website designer & developer has similiar work in their early portfolios that would make Satan himself cringe in horror. Add to your bookmarks it will help until you get your...
  19. cybrax

    Check out my Website.

    Some people have small screens and many have larger. I have 1680 x 1050px Start design with good template like this Be careful with adverts! Sometimes 'Clicksor' popup adverts will crash Firefox browser ;)
  20. cybrax

    Want some FREE MUSIC?

    That video is not a good advert for the band let alone the website. PS: Go over your kewords and tidy them up, there is a lot of repitition and some like you,use,find,if,i, is are pointless. "free, legal, music, download, search, boycott, riaa, drm, dmca, cd, dvd, mp3, mod...