Search results

  1. garrettroyce

    forbidden 403 when I wish open my folders

    If you didn't provide a full link, community support can't test out the link. But, in general, 403 can happen if the permissions for the folder and/or file are incorrect. Almost always, folders should have 0755 permissions (owner full permissions, everyone else read/enter only) and files should...
  2. garrettroyce

    Resolved An error has occurred forwarding your sign in

    I think everything is back up and running. If you are logged in, please log out. Just for good measure, clear your cookies (ctrl+F5 for a lot of browsers), and log back in again.
  3. garrettroyce

    Resolved An error has occurred forwarding your sign in

    I'm working with the admin team now on a resolution. We do watch the forum, so please just post issues as they come up. Thanks to @spacresx for handling the big inrush with his helpful advise. If you click "Quick FTP" on your SSO page, you can see your server just below it. As mentioned, the...
  4. garrettroyce

    Resolved Can't access site via domain

    @spacresx is correct that your DNS is not correct. As this domain is a free one managed by x10, a staff member will have to correct this for you. Flagging this for admins
  5. garrettroyce

    Turn off logs

    Could you please navigate to DirectAdmin -> System Info & Files -> Site Summary / Statistics / Logs It should show the log size and error log size in the right hand size. The logs can't be disabled, but if the error log is huge, maybe we can fix the error. If the error log is large, please...
  6. garrettroyce

    Load Data in phpMyAdmin

    I'm going to have to take a step back, I think I misread your question. It could be a file permission later on in the sequence, but the error you received was actually a password error, which is exactly what you said. In DirectAdmin under MySQL Databases, you have the initial page which shows...
  7. garrettroyce

    Resolved Disk space 514 MB / 512 MB

    I'll flag this for a disk space increase. Please make sure you have no backups of your website stored on your account. This is usually the reason people get denied increases. Also remember to empty your unused emails. 1 email = 1 file and with attachments considered, they can be substantial.
  8. garrettroyce

    Turn off logs

    Why is the log so large? Is it an access log or error log? You could throw a command in your index page to delete or prune the log. If it's already PHP then just insert some code or if it's an html file, add an iframe or img tag that references a PHP script to truncate the log. I would normally...
  9. garrettroyce

    FTP Account

    Please try to change your password for DirectAdmin. There seems to be some users noticing an issue where the default FTP password does not match their DirectAdmin password and it causes problems. Click your user name in the top right of DirectAdmin and select password.
  10. garrettroyce

    Load Data in phpMyAdmin

    The problem could be the file permissions; I'm not sure what user PHPMyAdmin would be running as in this instance, but it's safe to say that it could possibly not be you and (hopefully) isn't the root user. If that's the case, then you would have to make everything including your own folder...
  11. garrettroyce

    New domain -- redirect old x10 site?

    You would have to remove the domain to add the domain pointer. A domain pointer is equivalent to a CNAME record; that is site1.example/index.html is the same file as site2.example/index.html, so this is not what you want. You want the original setting, which is a second site. Make sure the paths...
  12. garrettroyce

    503 Service Unavailable

    Sorry for the delay; it appears the issue was temporary. Is everything working for you now?
  13. garrettroyce

    email quota in free hosting account

    200 appears to be daily, but the DirectAdmin documentation is not very good on this.
  14. garrettroyce

    Important An error has occurred forwarding your sign in.

    The admin team did some work on x12 last night that would have made the server unavailable. It appears that logging in via the x10 SSO is not working still. Please continue to TEMPORARILY use
  15. garrettroyce

    Important An error has occurred forwarding your sign in.

    @flicsbas @secunda5 @ahcefix1 @LostHorizon @ripplema @andreade @salvad21 @pausatfx @a2bredx1 I'm working with the admin team. Please follow this thread for updates.
  16. garrettroyce

    Important An error has occurred forwarding your sign in.

    It looks like several users on x12 are having problems logging in. I've checked the usual causes for this problem and it appears they are all good. Can anyone confirm that logging in to x12 from your SSO page is still a problem? Temporarily, you can use DO NOT...
  17. garrettroyce

    Resolved account suspended stuck on "We're removing the suspention now"

    I believe this is the cause Flagging for admin review
  18. garrettroyce

    MySQL query length limit?

    I don't see anything in MariaDB (many hosts have switched to MariaDB over MySQL, but they are largely compatible) that would limit you in this regard. Maybe it's a PHP timeout? Here's a quick dump of what I found on my server (x12) MariaDB [(none)]> show variables like '%max%'...
  19. garrettroyce

    Resolved account suspended stuck on "We're removing the suspention now"

    I have unsuspended you, @compu123
  20. garrettroyce

    How do I access my default email?

    Thanks for the follow up