Hola clan400. si tienes tu CMS instlado, tre recomiendo eliminar la carpeta de instalación o renombrarla. Ya que a mi me sale el script de instalacion como puedes ver en la imagen de abajo ;)
Efectivamente esta suspendido por alto consumo de recursos.
Como imagino que es laprimera vez, puedes quitar la suspensión por ti mismo desde tu account panel http://x10hosting.com/panel.php (tienes qque usar el usuario y la pass del foro) Saludos y espero que te sirva ;)
Sorry for my bad eenglish,I'm spanish.
What I mean is that your account is suspended.
Your account will not be unsuspended (zero tolerance policy)
your acount will be terminated within 10 days.
Sorry and greetings
This account is suspended for having links to warez. We currently have a policy of zero tolerance for that matter, so that your account will not be unsuspended until terminated
Your account is not linked to the forum. However it is normal that the mail with your information a bit late. Note that there are lots of requests for account and can sometimes take up to 24 or 48 hours to get the mail. I beg patience and forgive any inconvenience this may cause.
PS: If you...
If it is trying to present a complaint or problem if you can make one. But it can also post the problem here and if we can solve it. If we can not then we will escalate the post in the ticket area
En el archivo de configuración de tu CMS cambia "local" por "localhost" y prueba a conectarte. Si no lo consigues, pon un mensaje en el area de soporte con el maximo de datos posible ;)
In the configuration file of your CMS (wordpress I presume) should change this value "server name: localhost". Worspress not know much, so I can not tell you where that file is located in configuration