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  1. C

    Site files missing

    Files that are 10MB or above in size would automatically be removed a few hours after it's stored on a free hosting account.
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    I want Free Vps Please :'(

    X10 does have a site for their VPS's but those aren't free. There are services out there that offer free VPS's but there will be limits as services offered for free are typically more prone to abuse and having a lot more users than on paid services. The limitations that are in place could be...
  3. C

    Requesting Unlimited Disk Space that i thought would already be there for me to use

    They were asking about the file size because files that are 10MB or above in size would automatically be removed a few hours after being stored.
  4. C

    Help Installing Software Built on Laravel?

    Free hosting does not allow SSH access. Therefore, running such commands will not be possible.
  5. C

    Change my Main Domain

    What would indicate that you cannot remove the custom domain?
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    Cloudflare doens't work?

    Have you tried clearing your cache?
  7. C


    Try enabling the 'dom' PHP module.
  8. C

    my x10 email hacked, evidently

    Do you use software like WordPress for your site by any chance?
  9. C


    It's there (as in it being an option and supported) but it appears that some modules won't load for some users due to an issue in the backend. The custom json_decode function on the page you had linked to uses a blacklisted function (eval).
  10. C

    Can't login

    Have you checked if your IP is on a blacklist?
  11. C

    Domain DNS Help Please

    Check on the propagation progress using this tool:
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    Index of my website redirects to nonexistent sub-folder?

    Try clearing your cache.
  13. C

    403 Forbidden message

    As far as I know, it checks IPs against IP blacklists. Try checking here:
  14. C

    add SSL

    The closest, if you wish to use X10 free hosting, is to use CloudFlare's Universal "SSL" (flexible) alongside it. However, this would require you to use a custom domain in order to add the domain to the CloudFlare account to begin with.
  15. C

    403 Forbidden message - please help

    Some of the security rules would check if you're posting code and links (amount of links matter too). The keyword is 'posting'. So if there was some code or links before and it shows up raw within the editor then that would mean that would get posted if it's left in (if you save it, of course)...
  16. C

    My domain is not working..

    If it keeps redirecting you then try clearing the browser cache.
  17. C

    403 Forbidden message - please help

    What do the modifications involve? HTML? JavaScript? PHP? Any links (and if so how many)? Mod_security2 is in use (security module for the web server) so it's possible that you're hitting an active rule.
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    Problem rendering CSS buttons

    What would show up in the developer tools console (F12) within the browser?
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    Problem with isset() when building a contact form

    A 500 error would happen when there's an error bad enough in PHP like if there is bad syntax.
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    There's some good examples on this forum of the situation. A couple are about the mysql(i) module not being there. So far it doesn't appear to be user resolvable. (Without recreating an account, that is.) If you really want to try to resolve the issue for yourself ASAP, you could always close...