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  1. C

    Pls review my site kedagcompanyltd

    It redirected to for me. Is it what your site supposed to do?
  2. C

    Pls turn off mod_security for my site

    At the moment, it's the matter of checking the log for a rule hit on your site for that specific page. From there, it could say what rule was triggered. That rule then can be disabled if it's more of a false-positive than an actual security risk.
  3. C

    Not Acceptable Error - Vbulletin

    In addition to what Angus said, we can't really help unless it's found to be legit. If we just help and it's an illegal copy then it would be like helping someone set up an illegal copy of forum software, which is a big no-no.
  4. C

    Sign-up Error

    What network are you using to login? WiFi? Mobile? Are you using a proxy/VPN?
  5. C

    Sign-up Error

    It's likely saying that your IP doesn't match the one used during the registration process. Funny thing is that I can log in on with different IPs (like via mobile network).
  6. C

    I found a site using nulled xenforo "XenPorta © Jason Axelrod from 8WAYRUN.COM" After a bit of a look around, I found out that this is a portal add-on. Nothing fishy about that.
  7. C

    500 Internal Server Error

    Causes that I know of is that it could either be the .htaccess file containing something that would be considered non-exsistant (or invalid) or a bad header being set in a PHP script. What plugin would this be?
  8. C

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed

    Premium is on completely different servers and so are likely to not have these kinds of issues. (Or at least shouldn't.) (Free = many users = potential instability = more restrictions)
  9. C

    PHP 5.6.6

    Found this...
  10. C

    PHP 5.6.6

    To be honest, I feel that it's better to wait for the stable PHP 7 release (second beta is already out).
  11. C

    When I login I just get a black page

    That was the upgrade page I was talking about. The X10 login works fine for me. Have you tried clearing your cache or using a different browser?
  12. C

    When I login I just get a black page

    They're still working on the upgrade page, which is the reason why it's blank.
  13. C

    deleted all files

    If you were using Filezilla and didn't turn off the PC then the edited files can still be around in a Filezilla temp folder on your PC, though you would have to redo the directories. Note that if you're able to and if they don't have a backup.
  14. C

    Is cURL enabled for Free Users?

    Well, that explains why my script didn't work under my account.
  15. C

    So, how do I get my domain functioning?

    Now that's very odd. What directory is your domain pointing at?
  16. C

    Park a domain with authoritative dns

    Your nameservers haven't changed whatsoever. In fact, it's pointing to the Wix site builder and itself.
  17. C


    You can request for "unlimited" disk space if your account is older than 7 days, is at least 50% full, and complies with the ToS.
  18. C


    Perhaps they didn't check your site? I don't have those kind of privileges so I can't check why it didn't end up getting removed for sure.
  19. C


    It was introduced around a month ago.
  20. C


    I'm assuming by that you mean that the files are below 10MB?