Search results

  1. LuciFerAngel

    Review My Site n Get Credit

    here we go again , new theme , minimalist theme , for each comment , bug discover and an adivce which help to make the theme look better , i will give send x10hosting forums credit for each user ;) i wanna read positive feedback before i publish that theme for free to be downloaded and I`m...
  2. LuciFerAngel

    Review My Site

    Thanks Crymson , i fixed that , actully i Updated my design once again :)
  3. LuciFerAngel

    Review My Blog Site

    Thanks Punk and Thanks leviathon yes iam gonna increase the font size , and yep i do created by myself but and its like my 5th or 6th design but i got frustrated when i visit other blogs cause of thier designs , but this time i decided to make it simple :)
  4. LuciFerAngel

    Review My Blog Site

    hey Guys , whats up , i really need ur feed back about my blog site so i can improve the design , its not finished yet but i wanna know where i should add styles n improvments , fonts ! sidebar ! comment area ! header ! and thanks :) here is the blog url
  5. LuciFerAngel

    Review my sites layout

    Nuthing to see , its not working yet :)
  6. LuciFerAngel

    Newbie...critique welcome!

    looks nice and simple but u have to add some text , it looks like a an image page not a website , just replace the images with text it would look better and friendly to search engine , since everyone is caring about how to make their websites friendly to search engines , good luck
  7. LuciFerAngel

    What do you think?

    i like simple websites , but you have to work on ur background and the text color , so people can browse it easily n also can read read , try another background color n another text color :)
  8. LuciFerAngel

    Mysql Databases Probelm

    Oh n now after i deleted the new created database , it shows that i use 3 databases while i just have 2 database and here the message it shows ... ATTENTION: Using 3 out of 3 available MySQL databases Warning: You are currently using the maximum number of MySQL databases. If you need more...
  9. LuciFerAngel

    Mysql Databases Probelm

    i read many posts about the database information_schema , i created only one database in my count so in my cpanel it should show that i use1/3 of databases but actually it shows that i use 2/3 cause it counts information_schema , and when i created another database , a message says you cant...
  10. LuciFerAngel

    Thanks Fedlerner , I can access the support area and gona post a ticket now :, sorry for...

    Thanks Fedlerner , I can access the support area and gona post a ticket now :, sorry for annoying you
  11. LuciFerAngel

    Great Success ! Apache is working on your cPanel® and WHM™ Server

    i see this page when i try to check my site and i cant login to into cpanel and i cant login into to post a ticket and i cant login into IRC cause my both ips are banned cause iam using GPRS connection and mu isp using n open...
  12. LuciFerAngel

    i Cant post a ticket

    i know this is not official support but when i went to ticket support page i couldn`t login , i tried to login many times but i couldn`t i tried my cp panel name and my forum user but i couldnt , how i can login there ? even when i clicked the sign up for this Support Desk link it showed "ERROR...
  13. LuciFerAngel

    Preferred Support Method

    i prefer the ticket support system, because I will get accurate help from the x10hosting staff themselves
  14. LuciFerAngel

    Review My Blog

    lastly i finished my modified wordpress theme based on sandbox theme and powered by wordpress. i fixed many things in css file and added new plugins and i wish that you will like the design , it is pretty simple . i would love to see your comments here or even at the blog , and if you have...
  15. LuciFerAngel

    Error : Forbidden - You don't have permission to access

    i installed wordpress few minutes ago and i wanted to change the look of my permalink and each time i try to do it , it show a page says : You don't have permission to access /wp-admin/options-permalink.php on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to...
  16. LuciFerAngel

    File manager ! from v3 to v2 ??

    i dont know what is wrong with my cpanel , my file manager was v3 now all i can see is the file manager v2 , if i click on file manager or file manager legacy i just see the file manager v2 ? how to fix that ?
  17. LuciFerAngel

    Can`t login to my Wordpress Blog admin area

    iam trying to login to my blog admin area but it keep shows this msg : Warning: getmypid() has been disabled for security reasons in /home/lucifer/public_html/wp-includes/class-phpass.php on line 52 and iam using intermediate PHP . any idea guys ?
  18. LuciFerAngel

    Cannot even log in to Wordpress

    wordpress again :P well here r the choices you have ... 1st put in mind that you try to login to ur admin area , USERNAME : admin "lowercase" Password : the password which firstly generate by wordpress unless you changed it if you couldnt login then try to request your password ...
  19. LuciFerAngel

    Wordpress Coding Help

    how many posts do you have in ur blog ? it depends on ur reading settings on ur blog admin area. please go to ur blog admin area >> Blog pages show at most >> set it to 3 or 2 and update ur new setting , and go back to ur blog and reload the page , you should see 3 or 2 posts in the ur blog...
  20. LuciFerAngel

    Blogger or Wordpress ?

    wordpress >> that was my choice and i got infracted cos of the one word answer cos i didnt read the rules of crossfile , now i will tell you why wordpress . wordpress because its eaisly to be modified depending on what you want you site to be , a blog , a gallery blog , a magazine or whatever...