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  1. G

    Starka still down
  2. G Is Not Running
  3. G

    Unable to browse site

    Have it worked before? Did you write the script?
  4. G

    Setting up name servers?

    You should add in the DNS settings at goDaddy. On exact which page you can find that at goDaddy I don't know as I never used them, but if you login and look around a bit you might find them (alternatively wait for someone who uses goDaddy)
  5. G

    Why is the forum with my account password can not log in control panel

    a cPanel username can only be 8 characters long, so that cannot be your username. We need your cPanel username, not your forum username
  6. G

    WordPress BackUp

    Have you tried removing/renaming the plugins file in the wordpress's plugin folder?
  7. G

    cron problem - scripts not executing

    you cannot run SSH commands on the free servers, you have to get paid or a VPS if you want to do that
  8. G

    Norton Safe Web Saying something interesting....

    that account should be suspended any moment
  9. G


    There are some issues with the domain, the admins is now aware of this
  10. G

    Norton Safe Web Saying something interesting....

    Well, thing is, it's hard to see if and has the same owner or not. If it is same owner, both domains could be infected, if it is different users, it's not as likely.
  11. G

    Norton Safe Web Saying something interesting....

    It seems like there is a page that contains a virus under the domain pcriot. I have suspended that page now, your site does not contain any virus, it's just that norton doesn't check subdomains, it checks the whole domain, and if a threat is found it blocks all sites
  12. G

    saving project info java

    I'm making a IDE, where the user should be able to create projects. How should I save the project info? xml?
  13. G

    Upload files to website

    your cPanel and FTP username is elaineri Password is what you set for cPanel password. domain is
  14. G

    You wouldn't steal a CD...

    Depends what you need it for. Say look at my situation. I go at a media school, where we work with Autodesk Maya and Adobe Design preimum CS4. The licenses we get is prohibiting us from working at home and doing homework. The school could only afford 30 licenses, that was put up on a licensing...
  15. G

    SSH Access

    You would have to buy a paid plan or a VPS if you want SSH access
  16. G

    Can't access cPanel

    As this is resolved now I have closed this thread. Feel free to contact us again in the future
  17. G

    Scripts question

    what errors do you get?
  18. G

    site down
  19. G

    phpBB Template Problem

    It's an error with the skin, try contacting the admin
  20. G

    Can't access cPanel

    Could you try to flush your DNS and clear your cache? Also make sure no firewall/router is blocking the port 2082